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29 Jan 2020 16:33:02
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Journal / Periodical
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2000; Autumn Iss: 245
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Autumn Iss: 245
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Key Words 
Index UN Troops: East Timor AUSTRALIA Military: Post-WW2 
Index Przemysl: Seige 1914-15 AUSTRIA Military: WW1 
Index “INTERNMENT MAIL IN CANADA 1914-19 & 1939-46" CANADA MilitaryLuciuk
Index PoW card fron Dyrotz to China CHINA Military: WW1 
Index UN Missions EAST TIMOR Military 
Index POW: Dyrotz - pc to China via Bhamo, 1916 GERMANY/ PRUSSIA Military: WW1 
Index PoW: Stalag XII A (Limburg) (Question) GERMANY/ PRUSSIA Military: WW2 
Index Hampshire Regt “The Tigers” GREAT BRITAIN Military: General 
Index Italy: APO PP1, 1917 GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Royal Navy: Armoured Cars at Alexandrovsk/Murmansk GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Royal Navy: Armoured Cars in SW Africa (Question) GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Salonika: Greek pcs used by British Forces 1919 GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW1 
Index Norway: FPO 391 (Answer) GREAT BRITAIN Military: WW2 
Index RE (Postal & Courier Service) GREAT BRITAIN Military: Post- WW2 
Index Greek pcs used by British troops, 1919 GREECE Military: WW1 
Index APO PP1, 1917 ITALY Military: WW1 
Index Letters of Henry Kent, Ensign 77th Regt 1845, eventually Lt Gen (Question) JAMAICA Military 
Index Airmails MALTA Military: WW2 
Index Club Route - Hengelo to Cloppenburg, April 1945 NETHERLANDS Military: WW2 
Index British FPO 391 (Answer) NORWAY Military: WW2 
Index Nyassaland in the First World War (Question) NYASALAND Military: WW1 
Index RN Armoured Cars at Alexandrovsk/Murmansk RUSSIA / SOVIET UNION Military: WW1 
Index WW1- RNAS Armoured Cars (Question) SOUTH WEST AFRICA / NAMIBIA Military 
Index East Timor, 1999- UNITED NATIONS Military 
Index "Humanities" a discussion note by Kieth Tranmer MISCELLANEOUS and UNKNOWN Military 
Index INTERNMENT MAIL IN CANADA 1914-1919 & 1939-1946 Book Reviews MilitaryLuciuk
Index INTERNMENT MAIL IN CANADA 1914-1919 & 1939-1946 Prisoners Of War And Internees Military: WW1Luciuk
Index INTERNMENT MAIL IN CANADA 1914-1919 & 1939-1946 Prisoners Of War And Internees Military: WW2Luciuk
Index Greek pcs used by British troops in 1919 Postal Stationery Military