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Date Loaded:
29 Jan 2020 17:01:54
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
1965; Vol: 5
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
1965 1965–1967
Number of Pages:
Vol 5
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index Army Postal Service, 1799 -1964 Great Britain , Military Mail , 1799 - 1964|Bibliography Crabb, G.
Index Post Office " Jack" Great Britain , Post Offices|Bibliography Robertson, A. W.
Index Duplex Great Britain , Postal Markings|Bibliography Stitt-Dibden, W. G.
Index Postal Stationery Great Britain , Postal Stationery|Bibliography Alan K. Huggins
Index Imprimaturs, Q. E. II Great Britain , Postal Stationery|Bibliography Alan K. Huggins
Index Edinburgh, Duke Street Great Britain , Postal Markings|Bibliography Champness, M. V. D.
Index Army Post Service, 1799 -1964 Great Britain , Military Mail , 1799 - 1964|Bibliography  
Index Roller Stamps Great Britain , Postal Markings|Bibliography Stitt-Dibden, W. G.
Index Scotland, Dotted Circles, Addns. Great Britain , Postal Markings , Scotland|Bibliography Alcock and Holland
Index Duplex Great Britain , Postal Markings|Bibliography Stitt-Dibden, W. G.
Index Embossed Stamps with Advertising Rings, Continued Great Britain , Postal Stationery - Advertising , Embossed Issues|Bibliography  
Index Maritime Accountancy Handstamps Great Britain , Postal History , Maritime Mail , Postal Markings|Bibliography Robertson, A. W.
Index England and Wale, Undated Namestamps Great Britain , Postal Markings|Bibliography Champness, M. V. D.
Index London Great Britain , Postal Markings|Bibliography Stitt-Dibden, W. G.
Index Postage Paid, Unusual Great Britain , Postal Markings|Bibliography Stitt-Dibden, W. G.
Index London Inland, on 1d. red Perf Great Britain , Postal Markings|Bibliography Espin, W. L.
Index Army Postal Service 1799 -1964 Great Britain , Military Mail , 1799 - 1964 , Postal History|Bibliography  
Index Edinburgh, Duke Street Postmarks Postal Markings, EDINBURGH M.V.D. Champness
Index Army Post Service, 1799-1964, cont Postal History, MILITARY  
Index 1887-1900 ½d Vermillion Scott 111  
Index KEVII 1s Crown Varieities Scott 138 H.S. Doupe
Index 1940 Postal Centenary Issue Scott 252-257  
Index 1d Red Plate Varieties Scott 3  
Index Ghost Varieties Watermark WATERMARK Harold W. Fisher