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29 Jan 2020 17:01:54
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Journal / Periodical
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1974; Vol: 12
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Vol 12
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Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plates 25-26 `J' Flaws Great Britain: Queen Victoria Ebery, L. W.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Trial Perforation Plate 79 Blurred Letters Great Britain: Queen Victoria McDonald, D.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Trial Perforation Plate 79 Blurred Letters Great Britain: Queen Victoria Griffiths, J. 0.
Index Line Engraved: 1852-53: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 2: A Lavender Paper Variety Great Britain: Queen Victoria Rickard, H. R.
Index Line Engraved: 1855-57: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 2 Alphabet 3: Plates 35, 44 & 55 with SPECIMEN Overprints Great Britain: Queen Victoria Tonna, G. A.
Index Line Engraved: 1855-57: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 2 Alphabet 3: Plating of Alphabet 3 Plates 11-68 & R.17 (Wiggins & Tonna) Great Britain: Queen Victoria Book Review
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 71-73: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 74-80: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 81-82: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 83-85: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 86-89: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 90-92: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Akerman, G. C.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: Printing Inks of the G.B. Q.V. Surface Printed Era Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fox, M. R.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: Printing Inks of the G.B. Q.V. Surface Printed Era Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fox, M. R.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: Printing Inks of the G.B. Q.V. Surface Printed Era Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fox, M. R.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: Printing Inks of the G.B. Q.V. Surface Printed Era Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fox, M. R.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: Printing Inks of the G.B. Q.V. Surface Printed Era Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fox, M. R.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: Printing Inks of the G.B. Q.V. Surface Printed Era Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fox, M. R.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: 6d: Plate 14 Flaws Great Britain: Queen Victoria Artuso, A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: Research into Issues from 1887 to 1934 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: Research into Issues from 1887 to 1934 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: Plate Ladders Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 2½d: Imprimaturs Great Britain: Queen Victoria Latto, D.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 4½d: Additional Panes Great Britain: Queen Victoria Lyall, C. P.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 5d: Line Cuts Great Britain: Queen Victoria Lyall, C. P.
Index Fiscals: Postal Use of Fiscal Stamps Great Britain: Queen Victoria Jackson, H. T.
Index General: Research into Issue of 1887-1934 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into Issue of 1887-1934 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1934 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1934 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2½d: Frame Breaks Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 3d: Frame Breaks Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 6d: De La Rue Chalky Plate 3 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Fisher, G. G.
Index Definitive Issue: 7d: The Sheets in the National Postal Museum Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 9d: The Sheets in the National Postal Museum Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 10d: The Sheets in the National Postal Museum Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 10d: The Sheets in the National Postal Museum Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1s: The Last Somerset House Printing Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Baker, A.
Index Booklets: Booklets & Booklet Panes Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Booklets: Booklets & Booklet Panes Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Controls: Fugitive Inks, Marginal Rules & Controls Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Watermarks: Inverted Watermarks Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Miscellaneous : E Crown R Bickerdike Machine Cancellations Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: King George V Plates Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Arkell, J. 0. A.
Index General: The Letter Printed Postage Stamps of K.G.V. Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Richmond, R. W.
Index General: The Letter Printed Postage Stamps of K.G.V. Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Richmond, R. W.
Index General: The Letter Printed Postage Stamps of K.G.V. Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Richmond, R. W.
Index General: The Letter Printed Postage Stamps of K.G.V. Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Richmond, R. W.
Index General: The Letter Printed Postage Stamps of K.G.V. Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Richmond, R. W.
Index General: The Letter Printed Postage Stamps of K.G.V. Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Richmond, R. W.
Index General: K.G.V. Plates (Correction) Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Richmond, R. W.
Index General: Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Study Circle Notes Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Richmond, R. W.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1934 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1934 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: General: J. A. C. Harrison & the Downey Head Saga. de Cadenet, A. Great Britain: King George 5 (V)  
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: General: Downey Head Dies Great Britain: King George 5 (V) de Cadenet, A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 1d: Production of Dies Great Britain: King George 5 (V) de Cadenet, A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 2½d: Production of Dies Great Britain: King George 5 (V) de Cadenet, A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 4d: KG.V Plates Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 4d: The 4d Plates Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Slingsby, P. J.
Index Special Issue: 1924: Wembley Exhibition: General: Wembley Parcel Post Label Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Slingsby, P. J.
Index Special Issue: 1929: Postal Union Congress: General: Plating & Other Matters Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1934-36: Photogravure: 1d, 5d, Is: 1934 Waterlow Provisional Printings Great Britain: King George 5 (V)  
Index Definitive Issue: 1913-34: Seahorse High Values: 2s 6d: Re-entry Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Smith, G. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1913-34: Seahorse High Values: 2s 6d: Re-entry Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Smith, G. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1913-34: Seahorse High Values: 2s 6d: Re-entry Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Martin, R.
Index Definitive Issue: 1913-34: Seahorse High Values: 2s 6d: K.G.V High Values - Bradbury Printing Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Smith, G. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1936: 1d: Spot on Ear Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Kirk, A. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1936: 1½d: Dropped Pearl Flaw Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Kirk, A. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1937-1947: ½d: Cylinder 3 Cutting Lines Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Cole, G. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1937-1947: 1d: Multipositive Flaw Stamp 19/2 Cylinders 19-47, & 49-51 Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Cole, G. W.
Index Special Issue: 1937: Coronation: Flaws Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Whitehouse, F. R. B.
Index Special Issue: 1937: Coronation: Flaws Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Whitworth, A. A.
Index Special Issue: 1937: Coronation: Flaws Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Sanders, M.
Index Special Issue: 1937: Coronation: Flaws Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Powell, R. W.
Index Overprints: War Tax Stamps Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Cole, G. W.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: 1: A Study of the Machin £1 Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Smith, G. W.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: 1: A Study of the Machin £1 Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Smith, G. W.
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 1: 4th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 1: 5th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 1: 6th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 2: 3rd Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Elizabethan Specialised Stamp Catalogue: 10th Edition 1974 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Part 1 British Commonwealth Catalogue: 77th Edition 1975 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: S.G. Collect British Stamps: 13th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Commonwealth Q.E.II Stamp Catalogue: 1974 Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Urch Harris & Co.
Index Channel Islands : S.G. Collect Channel Island Stamps: 3rd Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Queen Victoria: Plating of Alph 111: Volume 3 Great Britain: Book Reviews Tonna & Wiggins
Index Queen Victoria: Plating of Alph 111: Volume 4 Great Britain: Book Reviews Tonna & Wiggins
Index Queen Victoria: Repairs of the 1841 1d Plates 1-40: Great Britain: Book Reviews Stone
Index Queen Elizabeth 2 (II): The Bookmark Catalogue of British Decimal Stamp Books: Great Britain: Book Reviews Myall
Index Ireland: Stamps of Ireland: Great Britain: Book Reviews Feldman
Index Cancellations & Postmarks: Slogan Postmarks U.K. 1917-69: Great Britain: Book Reviews Parsons Reachy & Pearson
Index Postal History: English Provincial Local Posts 1765-1840: Great Britain: Book Reviews Oxley
Index Postal History: Postal History of Darlington: Great Britain: Book Reviews Courtney
Index Postal History: The Scottish Additional ½d Tax 1813-1839: Great Britain: Book Reviews Hodgson & Sedgewick
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: The Chalmers Craze Re-investigated Great Britain: Book Reviews Hill, I. D.
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: The Congreve-Whiting Embossed Portraits Great Britain: Book Reviews Samuel, M.
Index Miscellaneous: General: Stamps Missing in Transit Great Britain: Book Reviews Dagnall, H.
Index Definitives: 1974: 1½p, 5p change of paper Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Definitives: 1974: 6p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Definitives: 1974: 6½p, 7p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1973: 35p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1974: 30p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1974: 45p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1974: 50p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1973: Christmas Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1974: Tree Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1974: Fire Engines Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1974: U.P.U. Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1974: Great Britons Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1974: Churchill Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1974: Christmas Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Postage Dues: 1974: 7p To Pay Label Great Britain: New Issues  
Index : 1974: 3½p, 5½p & 8p Great Britain: Country Issues: Northern Ireland  
Index : 1974: 4 ½p Great Britain: Country Issues: Northern Ireland  
Index General: Franches Markings: Great Britain: Postal History Greenwood, J.
Index General: Penny Plain Twopenny Coloured: Great Britain: Postal History Huggins, A. K.
Index Cancellations: Numerals: 1844 Type Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Hewlett, M. R.
Index Cancellations: Numerals: 1844 Type Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Arkell, J. 0. A.
Index Cancellations: Duplex: The London Duplex No. 72 Great Britain: Postal History Griffiths, J. 0.
Index Cancellations: Duplex: The London Duplex No. 72 Great Britain: Postal History Griffiths, J. 0.
Index Cancellations: Duplex: The London Duplex No. 72 Great Britain: Postal History Kirk, A. J.
Index Cancellations: Duplex: The London Duplex No. 72 Great Britain: Postal History Lockton, M. H.
Index Cancellations: Duplex: The London Duplex No. 72 Great Britain: Postal History Scott, J.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: 17th Century Postmarks - The Aylward Correspondence Great Britain: Postal History Good, E.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: Unusual Use of 'Paid' Mark Great Britain: Postal History Roberts, R. J.
Index Postal Rates: Overseas Postal Rates Prior to 1875: Great Britain: Postal History Wright, L. E.
Index England: Liverpool: Liverpool Ship Letter 1817 Great Britain: Postal History Good, E.
Index General: An Early Slot Machine for Postal Stationery : Great Britain: Postal Stationery Welsh, A. N.
Index General: Postal Stationery News: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index General: Postal Stationery News: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index General: Postal Stationery News: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index General: Postal Stationery News: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index Queen Elizabeth 2 (II): Air Letter: 1974 Christmas Air Letter Great Britain: Postal Stationery