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29 Jan 2020 17:01:54
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Journal / Periodical
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1979; Vol: 17
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Vol 17
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Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plate 8 with Inverted Watermark Great Britain: Queen Victoria Lewis, L.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Early Use of Plate 82 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Schmitz-Le-Hanne, G.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plate 225 Underprint `OUS': Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Collins, N. J.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: An Introduction to the QV Jubilee Issue Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: An Introduction to the QV Jubilee Issue Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: An Introduction to the QV Jubilee Issue Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: More on the Retouched Halfpenny 1900 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Young, P.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: Jubilee 1½d Varities Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wood, K. J.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: Jubilee 1½d Varities Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wood, K. J.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: Jubilee 1½d Varities Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: Neglected Plate Varieties 1887-1913 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 2d: Trial Cancellations Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 2d: Neglected Plate Varieties 1887-1913 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 3d: Three Marginal Settings Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 4d: Two Varieties. Damage to Circle of Value Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 10d: Vertical Blocks Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index General: Jubilee Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: ½d: Neglected Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Definitive Issue: 1d: Major Retouch Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wood, K. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1½d: Neglected Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Definitive Issue: 1½d: Value Tablet Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wood, K. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1½d: Value Tablet Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wood, K. J.
Index Coils: Stamp Rolls in Vending Machines : (Correction) Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Miscellaneous : Parcel Post Labels and their Cancellations Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: Miscellaneous K.G.V. Matters Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: The Photogravure 6d So nearly A Stamp Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Samuel, M.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d & 1d: Double Perforation Varieties on the Downey Head Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Jackson, M.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d & 1d: Double Perforation Varieties on the Downey Head Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Jackson, M.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d & 1d: (Correction) Great Britain: King George 5 (V)  
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d & 1d: Distorted Plates of the K.G.V. Downey Heads Jackson, M. Great Britain: King George 5 (V)  
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d & 1d: Perforation Types Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Jackson, M.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d: Die 2 Varieties Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wilkinson, L.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d: "Blurred Beard" Variety Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kaiserman, D.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d: Frame Break & Black Eye Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kaiserman, D.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: 1d: SG 341 with "Extra Cross on Crown" Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kaiserman, D.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: 1d: Downey Head Die 2 Printed at Somerset House Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wilkinson, L.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: 1d: Colour Trials Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wilkinson, L.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 1d: Inverted 'Q' Varieties Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Phillips, R.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 2d: Frame Break Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kaiserman, D.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 4d: Break in Inner Frame Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kaiserman, D.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 6d: Miscellaneous K.G.V. Matters Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1924-26: Block Cypher: 1½d: Another KG.V Flaw Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kaiserman, D.
Index Special Issue: 1924: Wembley Exhibition: General: Story of the British Empire Exhibition Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Sabey, A. D.
Index Definitive Issue: 1913-34: Seahorse High Values: Miscellaneous K.G.V. Matters Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Booklets: Guillotine or Rotary? Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Sanders, R.
Index Booklets: Guillotine or Rotary? Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Lawrence, S.
Index Coils: ½d: Cracked Plate on ½d Coil Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kaiserman, D.
Index Coils: The Advent of Stamps Printed in Continuous Rolls Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Coils: The Advent of Stamps Printed in Continuous Rolls Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Coils: Continuous Printing ‑ Mr. J. Patient's Report Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Booklets: Stapled Stamp Books Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Murray, P.
Index Booklets: Stapled Stamp Books Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Newbury, L. W.
Index Booklets: Guillotine or Rotary Cut Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Sanders, R.
Index Booklets: Guillotine or Rotary Cut Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Lawrence, S.
Index General: Fading Colours. Preparation of the Light Colours Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Worsfield, P. C.
Index Definitive Issue: 1937-1947: ½d: Master Negative Control F. 39 Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Doupe, H. S.
Index Definitive Issue: 1937-1947: 1½d: The 'Retouched Forehead' Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Doupe, H. S.
Index Booklets: Guillotine or Rotary Cut Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Sanders, R.
Index Booklets: Guillotine or Rotary Cut Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Lawrence, S.
Index Essays: 1½ d: Coronation Essay by E. Dulac Great Britain: King George 6 (VI)  
Index Essays: 1s: League of Nations Union Essay by E. Gill Great Britain: King George 6 (VI)  
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Rotary Cut or Guillotined Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Murray, P.
Index Special Issues: 1974: Universal Postal Union : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Rosalind Dease Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Enid Marx RDI Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Enid Marx RDI Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 3: Pre-decimalised Stamps: 4th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 4: Decimal Issues: 2nd Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Part 1 British Commonwealth Catalogue: 82nd Edition 1980 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: S.G. Collect British Stamps: 23rd Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: S.G. Collect British Stamps: 24th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: S.G. Collect British Stamps: 25th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: Stoneham Catalogue of British Postage Stamps: 1840-1978 2nd Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues  
Index Great Britain: Stoneham Catalogue of British Postage Stamps: 1840-1979 3rd Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues  
Index Railways: T.P.O. A History of the Travelling Post Offices of G.B.: Great Britain: Book Reviews Wilson
Index Miscellaneous: An Introduction to British Postal Mechanisation: Great Britain: Book Reviews Muir & Robertson
Index Miscellaneous: Paintings & Graphic Arts of the Stamps of GB & Commonwealth: Great Britain: Book Reviews Fargo
Index Miscellaneous: U.K. Savings Stamps, Labels and Coupons: Great Britain: Book Reviews Jones
Index Miscellaneous: U.K. Machine Marks: Great Britain: Book Reviews Peach
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: (Correction) Great Britain: Book Reviews Wiseman, W. A.
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: The 1864-5 Shakespeare Memorial Label Great Britain: Book Reviews Graham, C.
Index Miscellaneous: General: Mr. J. Patient's Report Great Britain: Book Reviews Wiseman, W. A.
Index Miscellaneous: General: "Excise Revenue" Entertainments Duty Stamps Great Britain: Book Reviews Chandler, J. H.
Index Miscellaneous: Parcel Post: The Adhesive Labels of the Parcel Post of England & Wales Great Britain: Book Reviews Jackson, H. T.
Index Miscellaneous: Parcel Post: The Adhesive Labels of the Parcel Post of England & Wales Great Britain: Book Reviews Jackson, H. T.
Index Miscellaneous: Parcel Post: Parcel Post Labels & Their Cancellations Great Britain: Book Reviews Powell, R. W.
Index Definitives: 1979: 8p, 10p, 11½p, 13p, 15p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Definitives: 1979: Phosphor coated paper Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1979: British Dogs Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Flowers Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1979: European Assembly Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Derby Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Year of the Child Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Rowland Hill Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Police Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Natural History and Antiquarian Society Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Millenium of Manx Tynwall Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1979: John Quilliam Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Christmas Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Definitives: 1979: Coins Set Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Public Transport Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Post Office Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Jersey Breed Assoc. Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Air Rally Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Year of the Child Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1979: Wild Life Preserved Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Booklets: 1979: £1.20 Booklet Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Postal Stationery: 1979: Air Letter A4 size 11p Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Cancellations: 1979: A Jersey Boite Mobile Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Cancellations: 1979: Date Stamp Great Britain: Country Issues: Sark  
Index General: Attention All Postmasters: Great Britain: Postal History Turner, E.
Index General: Attention All Postmasters: Great Britain: Postal History Turner, E.
Index General: Mounting Covers: Great Britain: Postal History Routh, J. W.
Index Cancellations: Squared Circles: The Centenary Year of the British Squared Circle Great Britain: Postal History Cohen, S. F.
Index Cancellations: Squared Circles: The Centenary Year of the British Squared Circle Great Britain: Postal History Cohen, S. F.
Index Cancellations: Circular: Some Notes on Booklet Pane Pre-Cancels Great Britain: Postal History Lawrence, S.
Index England: Isle of Wight: Isle of Wight Missent Mark Great Britain: Postal History Alexander, W. H. C.
Index England: Liverpool: Missent to Liverpool Great Britain: Postal History Collins, N. J.
Index England: London: Milled Edge Postmarks: London Newspaper Wrappers Precancels Great Britain: Postal History Chandler, J. H.
Index England: Swindon: Killing the Town Name Great Britain: Postal History Collins, N. J.
Index Scotland: 1880 'Paid Extra' Late Use Great Britain: Postal History Collins, N. J.
Index Scotland: Glasgow: A Case of Murder - Madeleine Smith Great Britain: Postal History Good, E.
Index Scotland: Greenock: Greenock Double Ring Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Hewlett, M. R.
Index Scotland: Greenock: Greenock Double Ring Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Mounsdon, N. S.
Index King George 5 (V): Envelopes: Envelopes Made by Disabled Soldiers Great Britain: Postal Stationery Brown, N.
Index King George 5 (V): Envelopes: Envelopes Made by Disabled Soldiers Great Britain: Postal Stationery Mitchell, W. T.
Index King George 5 (V): Reg. Labels: Registration Labels Great Britain: Postal Stationery  
Index King George 5 (V): Reg. Labels: Cornelius, D. Great Britain: Postal Stationery  
Index Queen Elizabeth 2 (II): Envelopes: 1979 Museum Special Stationery Envelope Great Britain: Postal Stationery