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29 Jan 2020 17:01:54
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Journal / Periodical
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May 2005; Vol: 43/3
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May 2005
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Vol 43/3
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Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Some Questions on the 1d Line Engraved Great Britain: Queen Victoria Spear, M.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: The Perforations of Plate 107 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, R. G.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plating of the Id 1840-64 Vol. 1 Addenda & Corrigenda Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fisher, H. W.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Corrigenda Great Britain: Queen Victoria  
Index Line Engraved: 1852-53: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 2: Plates 150, 162 & 165 in State 2 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, R. G.
Index Line Engraved: 1852-53: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 2: Plates 157, 162 & 163 Re-entries Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, K. G.
Index Line Engraved: 1852-53: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 2: Plates 164 & 176 States 1 & 2 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, R. G.
Index Line Engraved: 1852-53: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 2: Line Engraved Study Circle Notes Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, R. G.
Index Line Engraved: 1852-53: Stars, Perf: 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 2: Line Engraved Study Circle Notes Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, R. G.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: 6d: Plate 10 Abnormal on Cover Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: 1s: Wmk Emblem Type J24 Variety Great Britain: Queen Victoria Bolzan, J. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1855-83: Low values: 1s: Wmk Emblem Type J23 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Bolzan, J. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: An Introduction to the QV Jubilee Issue Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: An Introduction to the QV Jubilee Issue Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: An Introduction to the QV Jubilee Issue Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: Letter Great Britain: Queen Victoria Bullock, V. G.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: Printing Errors Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: Plating Aids for Control Pieces of the Jubilee ½d 1886 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Young, P.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: Plating Aids for Control Pieces of the Jubilee ½d 1886 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Young, P.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: The Plates of the 1887-1900 Halfpenny Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: Neglected Plate Varieties 1887-1913 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: A Deformed Plate Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 2d: Neglected Plate Varieties 1887-1913 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 2d: Varieties Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wood, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 3d: Neglected Plate Varieties Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 10d: Vertical Blocks Great Britain: Queen Victoria Good, E.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1s: Printed on Repp Paper Great Britain: Queen Victoria Townsend, D. F.
Index Proofs: The De La Rue Proofs for the 1867 Paris Exh. & 1871 London Black Plate Proofs of Jubilee Issues in British Museum Great Britain: Queen Victoria Latto, D.
Index General: Line Engraved Study Circle Notes Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, R. G.
Index General: Jubilee Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index General: The Heads for Postage Stamps 1879-1901 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Young, P.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: ½d: Neglected Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Definitive Issue: 1d: Some Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 2½d: Some Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 4d: Plate Varietes Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 5d: Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 5d: Value Tablets Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 7d: Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 9d: Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 10d: No Cross on Crown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1s: Plate Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: The Story Behind the Cover Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wilkinson, L.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d & 1d: Neglected Plate Varieties Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: ½d & 1d: Varieties Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wilkinson, L.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: ½d: Neglected Plate Varieties Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wlodarczyk, M. K.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 1d: SG N.16 Variety Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wallis, P.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 2d: Double Frame Break Control S22 stamp 20/1 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Coote, R. G.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 4d: Frame Breaks Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Butcher, P. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1924-26: Block Cypher: General: The Definitive Controls of 1929 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Alexander, J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1924-26: Block Cypher: ½d: Contrasts in Watermarks Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Moon, W. P.
Index Definitive Issue: 1924-26: Block Cypher: 1½d: Blob on King's Nose Variety Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kristensen, J. A.
Index Special Issue: 1929: Postal Union Congress: 1½d: Flaws in Value Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Phillips, R.
Index Special Issue: 1929: Postal Union Congress: 2½d: Inverted Watermark Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1913-34: Seahorse High Values: Seahorse Design Possible Origins Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Smith, G. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1913-34: Seahorse High Values: 2s 6d: Re-entry on SG. N.64 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Bolzan, J. A.
Index Special Issue: 1935: Silver Jubilee: Unaccepted Designs for the 1935 Silver Jubillee Issue Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kristensen, J. A.
Index Postage Dues: 1d: Ghost Watermarks Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Moon, W. P.
Index : Engraved Portrait of KE.VIII Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) by J. A. C. Harrison
Index Definitive Issue: 1937-1947: ½d: Cylinder 106. The Prior Life of a Cylinder with a crooked Carbon Tissue Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Doupe, H. S.
Index Definitive Issue: 1937-1947: ½d: Three Control Negatives of the ½d Green Controls A.37 & B37 Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Doupe, H. S.
Index Definitive Issue: 1937-1947: 1d: Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Doupe, H. S.
Index Essays: 1d: Essay by E. Dulac Great Britain: King George 6 (VI)  
Index Special Issues: The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Enid Marx RDI Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Enid Marx RDI Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Enid Marx RDI Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: 1978: Energy : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Peter Murdoch Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: 1978: Historic Buildings : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Ronald Maddox Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: 1957: Jubilee Jamboree: 2½d: Watermark Varieties Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Gillespie, J.
Index Booklets: More on the 'Missing Pin' Variety Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Lawrence, S.
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 1: (Corrigenda) Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 2: 5th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Elizabethan Specialised Stamp Catalogue: 16th Edition 1980 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Part 1 British Commonwealth Catalogue: 83rd Edition 1981 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: S.G. Collect British Stamps: 26th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: Stoneham Catalogue of British Postage Stamps: 1840-1980 4th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues  
Index Queen Victoria: The Plating of the Penny 1840-1864 Vol. 2: (Corrigenda) Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Queen Victoria: The Story of the Penny Black and Its Contemporaries: Great Britain: Book Reviews de Righi
Index Cancellations & Postmarks: Date Stamps of the General Post Branch Offices of London 1829-58: Great Britain: Book Reviews Hawkins
Index Cancellations & Postmarks: The Numerical Cancellations of Ireland 1844-1906: Great Britain: Book Reviews Current
Index Postal History: Carrying British Mail: Great Britain: Book Reviews Farrugia & Gammons
Index Railways: The Railway & Airway Letter Stamps 1891-1971: Great Britain: Book Reviews Jackson
Index Miscellaneous: British Library Philatelic Collections: Reproductions from Famous Collections Series 1 No. 3 Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Miscellaneous: Concordance of British Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Current
Index Miscellaneous: Handbook of British Philately Part 1 Sect. 1 : Great Britain: Book Reviews Current
Index Miscellaneous: Royal Mail Stamps. A Survey of British Stamp Designs: Great Britain: Book Reviews Rose
Index Miscellaneous: Stamps (A new Philatelic Magazine): Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Miscellaneous: Stamps (A new Philatelic Magazine): Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: More About Congreve-Whiting Portraits Great Britain: Book Reviews Samuel, M.
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: Charles Knight. Reformer Great Britain: Book Reviews Smith, G. W.
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: Rowland Hill's Printing Press Great Britain: Book Reviews Dagnall, H.
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: Reward for the Boys, Disposal of Confetti Great Britain: Book Reviews Dagnall, H.
Index Miscellaneous: General: Photographing Stamps Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Miscellaneous: General: 150 years of Fine Printing Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Miscellaneous: Society: The GBPS at London 1980 Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Miscellaneous: Society: The GBPS at London 1980 Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Miscellaneous: Society: Editorial Postscript Great Britain: Book Reviews Dagnall, H.
Index Definitives: 1980: 2p, 5p, 20p, 50p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Definitives: 1980: 8p, 9p, 9½p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Definitives: 1980: 11p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1980: £3 Wedgwood Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1980: 10p Chambon Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Coils: 1980: 10p, 12p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Wild Birds Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Liverpool-Manchester Railway Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1980: London 1980 50p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1980: London Landmarks Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Queen Mother Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Conductors Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Sports Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Christmas Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Miniature Sheets: 1980: 50p Miniature Sheets London, 1980 Great Britain: New Issues  
Index : 1980: Withdrawn 8p, 9p & 9½p Great Britain: Country Issues: Northern Ireland  
Index : 1980: 12p, 13½p & 15p Great Britain: Country Issues: Northern Ireland  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Royal Geographical Society Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Steam Packet Co. Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Birth of Rev. T. Brown Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Visit of King Olaf of Norway Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Christmas Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Kermode Family Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Booklets: 1980: 1 p & 5p Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index General: 1980: An Introduction to Collecting Channel Islands Simpson, J. Great Britain: Country Issues: Channel Islands  
Index Definitives: 1980: 11½p, 50p, £1 & £2 Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Definitives: 1980: Increase in Local Letter Rate Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Police Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Goats Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Peter Le Lievre Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Postage Dues: 1980: 14p & 16p Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Essay: 1976: Alternative Occupation Issue Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Fortresses Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Jersey Royal Potato Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Jersey Royal Potato Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Jersey Motor Cycle and Light Car Club Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Operation Drake Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1980: Royal Geographical Society Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1981: Battle of Jersey. Miniature Sheet Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index General: A Post Office Notice: Great Britain: Postal History Chandler, J. H.
Index General: Attention All Postmasters: Great Britain: Postal History Turner, E.
Index General: Attention All Postmasters: Great Britain: Postal History Turner, E.
Index General: Comic or Authentic: Great Britain: Postal History Hewlett, M. R.
Index General: Perforated Envelope: Great Britain: Postal History Barak, Z.
Index General: Printed Postage Impressions: Great Britain: Postal History Gould, M. H.
Index General: The Story Behind the Cover: Great Britain: Postal History Wilkinson, L.
Index Cancellations: Squared Circles: The Centenary Year of the British Squared Circle Great Britain: Postal History Cohen, S. F.
Index Cancellations: Circular: The Double Ring Date Stamp Great Britain: Postal History Gould, M. H.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: A Futuristic Pre-Stamp Cover Great Britain: Postal History Bevan, E. V.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: Printed Postage Impressions Great Britain: Postal History Gould, M. H.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: What Cancellations are these? Great Britain: Postal History Hewlett, M. R.
Index Maritime: GB-New South Wales Ship Letter: Great Britain: Postal History Collins, N. J.
Index Maritime: Spoon Experiment. Cape of Good Hope Ship Letter: Great Britain: Postal History Good, E.
Index England: Birmingham: The Spoon Experiment & Cape of Good Hope Ship Letter Great Britain: Postal History Good, E.
Index England: Derby: Careless Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Neumann-Rogers, F.
Index England: London: 1886 Charing Cross Squared Circle Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Langmead, P.
Index England: London: To the First Italian Expeditionary Force Eritrea Great Britain: Postal History Collins, N. J.
Index England: Weymouth: 6d Mauve Pl. 10 Abnormal Great Britain: Postal History Good, E.
Index Queen Victoria: Mulready: Three out of Three Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index Queen Victoria: Envelopes: Postal Stationery Embossed Dies at the 1867Paris Exhibition Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index King George 6 (VI): Air Letters: Misprint Olympic Games Air Mail Letter Sheet Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.