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29 Jan 2020 17:01:54
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Journal / Periodical
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September 2008; Vol: 46/5
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Sep 2008
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Vol 46/5
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Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plate 21 Second State Great Britain: Queen Victoria Thompson, R. W.
Index Line Engraved: 1841: 2nd Issue (Imperf Blued paper): 1d Red-Brown Die 1 Alphabet 1: Plate 106 New Measurements Great Britain: Queen Victoria Fisher, H. W.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 168-177: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Alexander, J. &
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plates 178-186: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Folkard, R. G.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plate 124 - 220 Re-Entries: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plate 210 Early Date of Use: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Schmitz-Le-Hanne, G.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Plate 210 Early Date of Use: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Grunwald, J. J.
Index Line Engraved: 1864: Letters in 4 corners: 1d Red Plate Numbers: Notes on the Line Engraved Issues Re-Entries: Penny Plate Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Line Engraved: 1869: Letters in 4 corners: 2d Blue: Plates 14 & 15 Re-Entries Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Line Engraved: 1870: ½d & 1½d for rate change: ½d: The 'Reserve' Plates 8 & 9 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Embossed: 1847/54: Embossed: 1s: Pin Perforated Great Britain: Queen Victoria Huggins, A. K.
Index Embossed: 1847/54: Embossed: Date Plugs of Embossing Dies Great Britain: Queen Victoria Huggins, A. K.
Index Surface Printed: 1881: P&R 1d Lilac: 1d Lilac: Flaws Great Britain: Queen Victoria Plint, P. G.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: The Retouched ½d 1900 Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: Comments on Retouches Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: ½d: Vermillion. The Controls with Inverted Watermark Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wood, K. J.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 1½d: On Laid Paper Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 4d: Two Varieties. Damage to Circle of Value Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 4d: Cracked Head Plate Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 4d: Cracked Head Plate Great Britain: Queen Victoria Wiseman, W. A.
Index Surface Printed: 1887-1900: Jubilee Issue: 10d: Cracked Duty Plates Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index General: Jubilee Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index General: Jubilee Study Circle Great Britain: Queen Victoria Millson, G. A.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: KE VII Miscellany Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index General: Research into the Issues 1887-1913 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: ½d: No Cross on Crown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1d: No Cross on Crown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1d: Perforation Varieties Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1½d: Plate Flaws Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1½d: Substituted Cliches Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Levant Overprints Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Plate Flaws Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Plate Flaws Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2d: Plate Flaws Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 2½d: No Cross on Crown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 4d: Oversize Cliches Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 4d: Points about 4d Green & Brown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Wiseman, W. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 5d: No Cross on Crown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 6d: No Cross on Crown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 10d: No Cross on Crown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1s: No Cross on Crown Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Booklets: Bibliography of British Stamp Booklets Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Alexander, J.
Index Booklets: Bibliography of British Stamp Booklets Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Alexander, J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: The Development of Coils 1906-1912 Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: The Multipost Machine Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Stamp Rolls in Vending Machines Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Miscellaneous : Postmarks & Cancellations Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Miscellaneous : Registration Labels Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Miscellaneous : Use of Quartz Lamp Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Powell, R. W.
Index Miscellaneous : Used in South Africa Great Britain: King Edward 7 (VII) Burrows, M. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: 1d: Somerset House Printing Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Wilkinson, L.
Index Definitive Issue: 1911-12: Downey Head: 1d: A Re-examination of the 1d Die 1B Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Jackson, M.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: ½d: Forgotten Varieties Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kristensen, F. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 1d: Forgotten Varieties Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Kristensen, F. A.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 1d: Inverted 'Q' Varieties Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Phillips, R.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: 2d: A Constant Irregularity in the design 1912-35 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Smith, G. W.
Index Definitive Issue: 1912-22: Simple Cypher: Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1924-26: Block Cypher: 1d: Specimen Coil Sheet Great Britain: King George 5 (V)  
Index Definitive Issue: 1924-26: Block Cypher: 1½d: Damaged Frames Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Matthews, A. I.
Index Definitive Issue: 1924-26: Block Cypher: Coil 1½d: Check List of Rolls Issued Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1924-26: Block Cypher: Coil 2d: Check List of Rolls Issued Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Special Issue: 1924: Wembley Exhibition: Coil 1d: Check List of Rolls Issued Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Special Issue: 1924: Wembley Exhibition: Coil 1½d: Check List of Rolls Issued Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Special Issue: 1929: Postal Union Congress: ½d, 1d, 1½d: Further Notes on PUC. Issues (Varieties): (Correction) Great Britain: King George 5 (V)  
Index Special Issue: 1929: Postal Union Congress: Coils: Check List of Rolls Issued Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1934-36: Photogravure: 1d: Retouch on 18/1, 20/2 & 10/5 Cyl. 50 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Russell, H. J.
Index Definitive Issue: 1934-36: Photogravure: Coils: Check List of Rolls Issued Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Special Issue: 1935: Silver Jubilee: Essays Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Essay by E. Dulac
Index Booklets: Bibliography of British Stamp Booklets Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Alexander, J.
Index Coils: Bibliography of British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Alexander, J.
Index Coils: Analysis of Official Roll Usage 1912-1952 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: British Coil Stamps Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Check List of Rolls Issued 1912-1952 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Coil Stamp Characteristics & Identification Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Development of Coils 1911-1912 Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Fixo Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Multipost Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Poko Machine Great Britain: King George 5 (V) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Booklets: Bibliography of British Stamp Booklets Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Alexander, J.
Index Booklets: Booklet Panes Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Sanders, R.
Index Coils: Check List of Coil Issued Great Britain: King Edward 8 (VIII) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index General: The Grand Alliance. Development of Designs for the Lower Values Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Worsfield, P. C.
Index General: The Grand Alliance. Development of Designs for the Lower Values Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) (Correction)
Index General: The Grand Alliance. Development of Designs for the Lower Values Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) (Correction)
Index Definitive Issue: 1937-1947: 10s: Dark Blue. Die Break? Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Maushammer, R. J.
Index Booklets: Bibliography of British Stamp Booklets Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Alexander, J.
Index Booklets: Bibliography of British Stamp Booklets Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Alexander, J.
Index Coils: Analysis of Official Roll Usage 1912-52 Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coils: Check List of Rolls Used 1912-52 Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Postage Dues: Bury St. Edmunds Overprint Great Britain: King George 6 (VI) Worsfield, P. C.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Decimal Points Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Barnes, A. J.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Decimal Points Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Barnes, A. J.
Index Definitive Issue: Machin Issues: Decimal Points Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Barnes, A. J.
Index Special Issues: 1969: History of P.O. : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Rosalind Dease Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Special Issues: 1972: Tutankhamen : The Romance of Modern British Postage Stamps: Rosalind Dease Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Latto, D.
Index Booklets: Bibliography of British Stamp Booklets Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Alexander, J.
Index Coils: Bibliography of British Coil Stamps Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II) Alexander, J.
Index Essays: Coronation Esay by Michael Goaman Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II)  
Index Essays: Vaughan Williams. Rosamonde Dease Great Britain: Queen Elizabeth 2 (II)  
Index Great Britain: Specialised Volume 2: 4th Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Elizabethan Specialised Stamp Catalogue: 14th Edition 1978 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Elizabethan Specialised Stamp Catalogue: 15th Edition 1979 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Commonwealth: Part 1 British Commonwealth Catalogue: 81st Edition 1979 Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: S.G. Collect British Stamps: 22nd Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues Gibbons, Stanley
Index Great Britain: Stoneham Catalogue of British Postage Stamps: 1840-1977 1st Edition Great Britain: Book Reviews: Catalogues  
Index King George 5 (V): British Library Philatelic Collection Reproductions from Famous Collections Series 1 The Art of J. A. C. Harrison: Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Queen Elizabeth 2 (II): Ident: Quarterly Bulletin of Postal Mechanisation Study Group: Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Postal History: British County Catalogue: Vol. 1 Great Britain: Book Reviews Willcocks & Jay
Index Railways: Railway Station Post Marks: Great Britain: Book Reviews Gowan
Index Miscellaneous: British Library Philatelic Collections: Reproductions from Famous Collections Series 1 No. 1 Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Booklets: Bibliography of British Stamp Booklets: Great Britain: Book Reviews Alexander, J.
Index Coil: Analysis of Official Roll Usage 1912-1952: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: Bibliography of British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Alexander, J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: British Coil Stamps: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Coil: Check List of Rolls Issued 1912-1952: Great Britain: Book Reviews Homer-Wooff, G. H. R. & Jones, P. J.
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: The 1839 Treasury Competition Entry with a distinct Scottish Appearance Great Britain: Book Reviews Smith, G. W.
Index Miscellaneous: Queen Victoria: The Stratford Shakespeare Stamp Great Britain: Book Reviews Alexander, W. H. C.
Index Miscellaneous: Society: London 1980 Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Miscellaneous: Society: London 1980 Great Britain: Book Reviews  
Index Definitives: 1978: 6p, 7p, 9p, 10p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1978: 10p, 50p, 70p, 90p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Booklets: 1978: £1.60 Christmas Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Coils: 1979: multi-value 7p, 1p, 1p, ½p, ½p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Energy Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Historic Buildings Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1978: 25th Anniv. of Coronation Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Horses Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Cycling Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Christmas Great Britain: New Issues  
Index Miniature Sheets: 1978: London 1980. First Miniature Sheets. 9p, 10½p, 11p, 13p Great Britain: New Issues  
Index : 1978: 7p, 9p & 10½p Great Britain: Country Issues: Northern Ireland  
Index Definitives: 1978: 1 p to 16p Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Definitives: 1978: 20p, 25p, 50p & £1 Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1978: R.A.F. Diamond Jubilee Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1978: 25th Anniv. of Coronation Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1978: James Kewley Ward Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1978: North American Manx Assoc. Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Commonwealth Games Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Christmas Great Britain: Country Issues: Isle of Man  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Royal Visit Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Old Prints Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Birds Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Festive Season Great Britain: Country Issues: Guernsey  
Index Definitives: 1977: 2 Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Golf Club Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Europa Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Royal Visit Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Mail Packet Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Special Issues: 1978: Capex Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index Booklets: 1978: £1 Booklet Great Britain: Country Issues: Jersey  
Index General: Anonymity Exposed: Great Britain: Postal History Forbes-Nixon, J.
Index General: Loss of Bankers Parcels: Great Britain: Postal History Burrow, M.
Index General: Penny Plain Twopenny Coloured: Great Britain: Postal History Huggins, A. K.
Index Cancellations: Crown: A Crown Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Samuel, M.
Index Cancellations: Circular: Tete Beche Cancellations Great Britain: Postal History Hewlett, M. R.
Index Cancellations: Circular: Wessex Cancellation Great Britain: Postal History Lockton, M. H.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: More to Pay Great Britain: Postal History Huggins, A. K.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: Postmarks & Cancellations Great Britain: Postal History Powell, R. W.
Index Cancellations: Postmarks: The Use of Mail Bag Seals as Cancellations Great Britain: Postal History Russell, H. J.
Index Fiscal: G.B. Postal Fiscal Used Abroad: Great Britain: Postal History R. A. K.
Index England: Chester: Chester Ship Letter Great Britain: Postal History Hill, F. Rowland
Index England: Chester: Chester Ship Letter Great Britain: Postal History Plint, R. G.
Index England: Isle of Wight: Isle of Wight Missent Mark Great Britain: Postal History Elkins, P. J.
Index Wales: Aberystwith: Use of Aberystwith c.d.s. Great Britain: Postal History Forbes-Nixon, J.
Index Wales: Aberystwith: Use of Aberystwith c.d.s. Great Britain: Postal History Archer, M. Scott
Index General: Postal Stationery News: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index General: Postal Stationery News: Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index Queen Victoria: Envelopes: 1d Pink Envelope Uprated with 1d Black Great Britain: Postal Stationery Huggins, A. K.
Index King George 5 (V): Envelopes: Envelopes Made by Disabled Soldiers Great Britain: Postal Stationery Brown, N.