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Date Loaded:
30 Jan 2020 10:43:57
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
March 2000; Iss: 195
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Page Nos List:
Mar 2000
Number of Pages:
Iss: 195
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Key Words 
Article The Philatelic Horizon PaperCastle, MP
Article The Fiji Times Express Stamps, and Early Government Issues of Fiji PaperBacon, ED
Article A Philatelic Traveller's Notes PaperCastle, MP
Article Stamps of India and Ceylon Book Review 
Article Prince Edward Island Stamps PaperTilleard, JA
Article Envelopes of the United States PaperHarrison, Gilbert
Article Exhibition of Stamps of British India and Ceylon Exhibition or Show 
Article Perkins Bacon & Co.'s Chicago Exhibit Exhibition or Show 
Article New Issues New Issues 
Article The Philatelic Society, London Meetings - RPSL 
Article Brighton and Sussex Philatelic Society Meetings - Other Socs. 
Article Manchester Philatelic Society Meetings - Other Socs. 
Article Leeds Philatelic Society Meetings - Other Socs. 
Article Columbians Worth Keeping Philatelic Notes 
Article Liberians for Collectors Philatelic Notes 
Article The Victoria Rouletter Philatelic Notes 
Article Surcharged Mauritius Philatelic Notes 
Article Irish Home Rule and Philately Philatelic Notes 
Article Sandwich Islands Philatelic Notes 
Article New Zealand Split Stamps Philatelic Notes 
Article Hard on U.S. Columbians Philatelic Notes 
Article Cost and Profit of Columbians Philatelic Notes 
Article Miss Edith Philbrick Philatelic Notes 
Article Postage Stamp Wall Decoration Philatelic Notes 
Article Mauritius Plates Philatelic Notes 
Article First Issue Newfoundland Philatelic Notes 
Article As Others See Us Philatelic Notes 
Article The Latest Stranger Philatelic Notes 
Article Collections Stolen Philatelic Notes 
Article A Danger Threatening Philately Philatelic Notes 
Article To Correspondents Correspondence 
Article Sale of a Collection of Nevis Philatelic Notes 
Article The Echo on Philately Philatelic Notes 
Article The Seebeck Flood Philatelic Notes 
Article Ocean Penny Postage Philatelic Notes 
Article New Spanish Stamps Philatelic Notes 
Article More Columbians to Come Philatelic Notes