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Date Loaded:
30 Jan 2020 10:43:57
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 2010; Iss: 236
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Jun 2010
Number of Pages:
Iss: 236
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Key Words 
Index KGVICS 31st AGM 2010 Reports On Meetings Of The Society King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index Specimens of the George VI Period Malaya (Bma) Malaysia King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIP F Cockburn
Index Coronation Plate Numbers General King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIR L Davis
Index Definitive Plate Numbers General King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIA Baker
Index Hong Kong Yang's Postage Stamp & Postal History Catalogue 23rd Ed Nai-Chai Yang (2009) Book Reviews King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index Newfoundland Specialised Stamp Cat. 7th Ed Walsh & Butt 2009 Book Reviews King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index WWII If War should come GPO Film Unit Collection Volume 3 Book Reviews King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index 100 Years of the Philatelic Congress of GB 1909-2009 Searle Book Reviews King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index Lundy Island Stamps and Postal History 5th Edn Aitchison Book Reviews King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index GB SG Specialised EVII-GVI 13th Edn Book Reviews King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index KGVICS Auction 29 2010 realisations Auction Report King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index & see photos of awards at the dinner Reports On Meetings Of The Society King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index Waterlow Sample Stamps General King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIR L Davis
Index Waterlow Markings on the 1934 – 1955 Definitives Cyprus King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIG T Davis
Index Waterlow Markings on the 1938 – 1956 Definitives Malta King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIG T Davis