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Date Loaded:
30 Jan 2020 10:43:57
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
September 2013; Iss: 249
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Sep 2013
Number of Pages:
Iss: 249
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Key Words 
Index Paper Colour and Perforation changes in WWII (Colonial postage & revenue stamps) General King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIRod Vousden
Index & see comment Bahamas King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIFernbank
Index & see supplementary note Gibraltar King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVICrabtree
Index South Africa Airmails 2nd ed 2013 Arrow Book Reviews King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index Forgeries see book review 'The Devil's Workshop' General King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index Combined meeting with Forces Postal History Society 16 February 2013 pt 2 Reports On Meetings Of The Society King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index The Devil’S Workshop Reprint 2009, Burger (Deals With WW2 German forgeries of GB stamps etc) Book Reviews Forgeries King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index Articles Of Interest In Other Journals (Current Awareness) General King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVI 
Index South Georgia 1938 cover posted aboard German ship FF Sudmeer Falkland Island Dependencies King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIHugh Osborne
Index Veterans Guard of Canada in Bahamas and British Guiana in WWII Bahamas King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIEric Yendall
Index Veterans Guard of Canada in Bahamas and British Guiana in WWII British Guiana King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIEric Yendall
Index Veterans Guard of Canada in Bahamas and British Guiana in WWII Canada King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIEric Yendall
Index 1952-53 2d KGVI issue reprinted with Queen's head: the release date in Sept 1956 Falkland Islands King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIHugh Osborne
Index 3A Victory Issue supplementary note Somaliland Protectorate King George VI KG6 KGVI G6 GVIMike Molineaux