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30 Jan 2020 11:30:17
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Journal / Periodical
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July 1979; Vol: 5/7 Jul/Aug
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Jul 1979
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Vol 5/7 Jul/Aug
Item Alt No:
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Index Special Swiss/American Souvenir Cover Switzerland Honoring 100th birthday of Othmar AmmannWettach, George H.
Index Postal Markings and Cancellations in Switzerland and Liechtenstein - Part 73, Machine Cancellations Switzerland Machine cancellationsGanz, Felix
Index My Favorite Swiss Cover Switzerland 1953 Pro Juventute issue as an introduction to Swiss collectingHinze, Roger
Index News, Briefs, Varia and Trivia from the Editor-pro-tem's Bins Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index Fischer posts (1675-1832) Switzerland Postal historyHaldi, Jean-Pierre
Index Postmark That Wasn't (or Will It Be After All, Yet …?) Switzerland Jura Sovereignity Day cancelled for political unrestAnonymous,
Index Standing Helvetia Issue, 1882-1907 - An Overview, III Switzerland Continuation of overview of the Standing Helvetia issueWalton, Edmund C.
Index Recurring Varieties on Swiss Postage Stamps Switzerland Translation of the green pages in Zumstein Spezial catalogAnonymous,
Index Beware of These Fakes! Switzerland Of the UN European Office officialsSchild, Georges
Index Switzerland: Panorama of Its Postal History and Stamps. 3 Switzerland Continuation of script of slide show 'Switzerland: a panorama of its postal history and stamps'Stone, Harlan F.
Index What Frugality! Switzerland Military free frank envelope used 12 timesGanz, Felix
Index Awards for A.H.P.S. Members Switzerland Multiple awardsAnonymous,
Index Index to 1977 Tell (Volume III); by Subject Switzerland Hall, Richard T.
Index AHPS Auction No. 37 Switzerland Diamond, Gerald
Index Results of AHPS Auction No. 33 Switzerland Anonymous,
Index Results of AHPS Auction No. 34 Switzerland Anonymous,
Index Results of AHPS Auction No. 35 Switzerland Anonymous,