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30 Jan 2020 11:30:17
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Journal / Periodical
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November 1979; Vol: 5/10 Nov
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Nov 1979
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Vol 5/10 Nov
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Index SEPAD Exhibits and Awards Switzerland Multiple awardsAnonymous,
Index News, Tidbits, Varia and Trivia from the Bins of the Editor-pro-tem Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index Visit My Store When Overseas - and More Switzerland Walter Abt's stamp store in ThunPickard, Fred
Index Revenue Corner: Kurtaxe Follow-up Switzerland Hurlimann, Robert
Index First 1980 Catalogues are Here Switzerland Auf der Maur Helvetia catalogGanz, Felix
Index First 1980 Catalogues are Here Switzerland Zumstein Switzerland/Liechtenstein catalogClarke, Robert T.
Index Report of A.H.P.S. at SEPAD '79 Switzerland Stone, Harlan F.
Index Postscript to the Standing Helvetia Article Series in "Tell" Switzerland Errors of measurement in previous overview articlesWalton, Edmund C.
Index Word from the A.H.P.S. Sales Circuit Manager Switzerland Riemann II, Howard C.
Index Basel - Switzerland's Second City Switzerland TravelogueGanz, Felix
Index Switzerland: Panorama of Its Postal History and Stamps. 6 Switzerland Continuation of script of slide show 'Switzerland: a panorama of its postal history and stamps'Stone, Harlan F.
Index Postal Markings and Cancellations in Switzerland and Liechtenstein - Part 76, Machine Cancellations, IV Switzerland Machine cancellationsGanz, Felix
Index Astute Investment Buyer Switzerland Guide to investing in stampsKehr, Ernest A.
Index Commatelic Fun - or How to Compete for Tourists Switzerland Dueling slogan cancel and meter imprintHuber, Walter
Index Index to the Helvetia Herald (Swiss-American Stamp Society), 1970-1974 Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index Airmail Essays Discovery Switzerland Essays of the propeller overprintAnonymous,
Index AHPS Auction No. 39 Switzerland Diamond, Gerald
Index Results of AHPS Auction No. 37 Switzerland Anonymous,