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30 Jan 2020 11:30:17
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Journal / Periodical
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September 1980; Vol: 6/7 Sep/Dec
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Sep 1980
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Vol 6/7 Sep/Dec
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Index From the Award Chairman Switzerland Donker, Jan
Index Life Memberships Switzerland to Jan Donker and Robert T. ClarkeAnonymous,
Index Mails in Burgdorf in the 19th Century Switzerland Postal history and cancellations of BurgdorfSchio, Max
Index Postal Markings of Switzerland and Liechtenstein - Swiss Postal Facilities Abroad and Foreign Postal Facilities on Swiss Soil, III Switzerland Swiss agencies in ItalyGanz, Felix
Index Farewell from the President Switzerland Zeigler, Robert G.
Index A.H.P.S. Show Cachets, Ready for ARIPEX '81 Switzerland Ballard, John B.
Index Important Message from the Sales Circuit Manager Switzerland Riemann II, Howard C.
Index AHPS 1979-80 Sales Circuit Season Financial Recap Switzerland Riemann II, Howard C.
Index Liechtenstein Train Station Cancellations? Switzerland Favor itemsGanz, Felix
Index AHPS Midwest Meeting at CPS '80; November 2 Switzerland Anonymous,
Index Honors Switzerland to Ernest A. Kehr and Felix GanzAnonymous,
Index New Postmarks and Slogans Switzerland New Sonder-, K-, and machine cancelsAnonymous,
Index Philatelic Writings Switzerland Jubilee issue of BBZ; Linn's World Stamp Almanac; Les PTT dans la Cité [Geneva]Ganz, Felix
Index Dealers, Sellers, Auctions Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index Switzerland's Postage Due Regulations for Mail from Abroad - I Switzerland Fluri, Ernst
Index Under the Hammer - AHPS Auction Sale No. 44 Switzerland Diamond, Gerald
Index Results of Auction 41 - Closing June 30, 1980 Switzerland from April/May TELLAnonymous,
Index USA - Dumping Ground for Undesirable Swiss Philatelic Garbage? Switzerland Poor quality materialGanz, Felix
Index Finely Used - In Swiss Opinion! Switzerland Grading of cancelsAuf Der Maur, K. E.
Index Book on Switzerland in WW II Switzerland The Eye of the HurricaneGanz, Felix
Index Swiss Bank Notes, Old & New Switzerland New designs of Swiss bank notesAnonymous,
Index "Young Swiss Couple Face Espionage Trial in Bittersweet Plot" Switzerland Anonymous,
Index That PTT "Souvenir Sheet!" Switzerland 50th Anniversary of PTT Stamp Printing WorksGanz, Felix
Index Postal Stationery Corner - "For the Address Only" Imprints on Swiss Postcards Switzerland Guide to the various sizes of post cardsGanz, Felix
Index T-Party No. 4 - The Federal Revenue Stamps Switzerland Thaler, M. N.
Index New Swiss Issues Switzerland Pro Juventute issueGanz, Felix
Index New Liechtenstein Issues Switzerland Postal Museum; Dairy Farming; Hunting Weapons; Traditional Costumes; trees; ChristmasGanz, Felix
Index Glorious Goof Switzerland Liechtenstein cancel on Swiss stampsGanz, Felix
Index Swiss 1981 Issues Switzerland Anonymous,
Index 1980 Postmark Windup Switzerland K-cancels from Kirchlindach and Develier; machine cancels for Seelisberg Tunnel and Zurich Christmas MarketAnonymous,
Index Text of APS Slide Program [Switzerland: Panorama of Its Postal History and Stamps. 12] Switzerland Continuation of script of slide show 'Switzerland: a panorama of its postal history and stamps'Stone, Harlan F.