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30 Jan 2020 11:30:17
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Journal / Periodical
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January 1985; Vol: 11/1 Jan/Feb
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Jan 1985
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Vol 11/1 Jan/Feb
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Index President's Corner - A New Era Begins Switzerland LaBlonde, Charles J.
Index Talk to Me! Help Meet the Challenge! Switzerland Turchik, Steve P.
Index Our Title Page Piece Switzerland St. Gotthard Hotel coverTurchik, Steve P.
Index Publicity and the AHPS Switzerland How to get publicityEggen, Dale R.
Index Varia - Do You Know of Another "Bern" (USA)? Switzerland US towns with Swiss namesGanz, Felix
Index Example of a "Pretty" Mixed Franking Switzerland Sitting Helvetia, Numerals, Standing HelvetiaRatz, Henry
Index Letter to the Editor - Postal rates from Switzerland to foreign lands, 1852-1863 - Confusion Switzerland correction to Nov/Dec 1984 TELL, p. 282Walton, Edmund C.
Index Campione D'Italia featured in American Philatelist Switzerland Henson, E. Ben
Index AHPS Treasurer's Report September 30, 1984 Switzerland Young, Frank
Index Liechtenstein Postage Stamps Switzerland Scott catalog valuesStrong, Harold
Index Have You Seen a Good Slide Show Lately? Switzerland Anonymous,
Index Oh Brother! What a Bunch of Fakes Switzerland Fake StrubelsGanz, Felix
Index Word From the Awards Chairman - Think About Exhibiting in '85! Switzerland Schaelchli, Rudy
Index AHPS Beginning Preparations for SESCAL Convention - Now in Progress Switzerland Anonymous,
Index Liechtenstein's New Issue Program for 1985 Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index AHPS Auction #58 Switzerland Lucas, William R.
Index Sales Circuit News Switzerland Tobler, Emil L.
Index Liechtenstein Study Group Organizing Switzerland Rheinberger, Max C.
Index Swiss Success at CHICAGOPEX '84 Switzerland Awards to Ralph Soderberg, Chuck LaBlonde, Henry RatzGanz, Felix
Index Postmarks Switzerland Recent Sonder-, K-, automobile, machine cancels; post office changesGanz, Felix
Index Revenue Philatelist - Kanton Thurgau Switzerland Kelly, Gene
Index Some Winners in '84 Switzerland Multiple winnersSchaelchli, Rudy
Index In Memoriam - Irving I. Silverman Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index Invitation to Exhibit and Come to SCOPEX '85 Switzerland Bergman, Ernest L.
Index Reviews - New Literature Switzerland Spezi IV; German postal card with Swiss sceneGanz, Felix
Index Tidbits Switzerland Publicity set I; Fr2.50, Fr3 Zodiac definitivesKehr, Ernest A.
Index Excerpts From a Letter to David Durham Switzerland from Sophie BuserBuser, Sophie