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30 Jan 2020 11:30:17
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Journal / Periodical
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March 1985; Vol: 11/2 Mar/Apr
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Mar 1985
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Vol 11/2 Mar/Apr
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Index President's Corner - Something for Everyone Switzerland LaBlonde, Charles J.
Index Talk to Me - "Working as a Team" Switzerland Turchik, Steve P.
Index AHPS/SESCAL Initial Response Good Switzerland de Violini, Bob
Index You Really Pay Too Much When You Sleep Through an Auction! Switzerland Landscape high valuesRatz, Henry
Index Sales Circuit News Switzerland Tobler, Emil L.
Index Liechtenstein Postage Stamps Switzerland 1980 Olympics issue; regummingStrong, Harold
Index Ralph Soderberg, M.D., Accepts CHICAGOPEX '84 Grand Award … Switzerland Anonymous,
Index [Five 35mm. educational color slide programs for use of local stamp clubs.] Switzerland Bauman, Howard A.
Index Update Supplement on the PEN catalog of Special Cancellations of Switzerland Switzerland Sonder- and automobile cancellationsGanz, Felix
Index First Swiss Issue of 1985 Switzerland Publicity I issue; Fr2.50, Fr3 Zodiac definitives; revalued post cardGanz, Felix
Index Post Office Receipts of the Canton of St. Gallen Switzerland Post-ScheinsLueck, Donn
Index List of Post Offices Switzerland OrtsverzeichnisLaBlonde, Charles J.
Index AHPS Auction #59 Switzerland Lucas, William R.
Index Prices Realized Auction #57 Switzerland from Sept/Oct 1984 TELLAnonymous,
Index How to Use the Swiss Machine Catalog Switzerland Machine cancellationsHall, Richard T.
Index Das Rasche Ermitteln der Katalog-Nummern der Maschinenstempel Leicht Gemacht Switzerland Machine cancellationsHess-Weber, Armin
Index Reviews Switzerland Philatelic First from BC to TodayGanz, Felix
Index In Memoriam - Zaven M. Seron Switzerland Turchik, Steve P.
Index "A Look back in history" - Forerunner Society to AHPS - Helvetia Society Switzerland History of the AHPS forerunner society, the Helvetia SocietyHarrison, T. F.
Index Better than a letter … Switzerland Steve Turchik and Chuck LaBlonde and sonAnonymous,
Index Letter to the Publisher Switzerland Comments on TELL contentBard, Richard
Index My Favorite Covers Switzerland Postage due coversNeumann, Helmut C.
Index Post Office Changes, Post Code Changes, Discontinued Post Offices Switzerland Post office changesAnonymous,
Index Postmarks Switzerland Recent Sonder-, K-, automobile, machine cancelsAnonymous,
Index Focus On - New Membership Brochure Switzerland Hall, Richard T.
Index Properly Postmarked and Invalid for Postage Switzerland Overseas destinations for early Pro Juventute coversGanz, Felix
Index AMERIPEX '86 Switzerland Lucas, William R.
Index AHPS Treasurer's Report - December 31, 1984 Switzerland Young, Frank
Index New England Chapter Activities Switzerland LaBlonde, Charles J.