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30 Jan 2020 11:30:17
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Journal / Periodical
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May 1985; Vol: 11/3 May/Jun
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May 1985
Number of Pages:
Vol 11/3 May/Jun
Item Alt No:
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Index President's Corner - "Let's Get Together" Switzerland Honorary Life Membership to Harlan F. StoneLaBlonde, Charles J.
Index Talk to Me! - Help! Switzerland Need for new publisherTurchik, Steve P.
Index From Way Out West Switzerland Sescal '85Ballard, John B.
Index Helvetia Elects Stone Honorary Life Member Switzerland LaBlonde, Charles J.
Index Liechtenstein Postage Stamps Switzerland 1980 Olympics issue; regummingStrong, Harold
Index Reviews Switzerland Die Pferdepost in GraubündenNeuhold, E.
Index Division of Labor in AHPS - Publisher - Wanted! Switzerland LaBlonde, Charles J.
Index Carte Postale - A Bit of Deltiology! Switzerland Picture post cards from SwitzerlandTurney, William
Index About the Nomenclature of Postage Switzerland Definitions of various kinds of frankingValko, George A.
Index AHPS Auction #60 Switzerland Lucas, William R.
Index First Day of Issues for the Swiss Airmail Issues of 1923-30 Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index Once More: the 50 cts. Propeller Overprint Switzerland Propeller airmailRatz, Henry
Index West from Albis - Reppisch Valley - Knonau District Switzerland Cancels from the Knonau district of Canton ZürichSturzenegger, W.
Index My Favorite Cover... or Nearly Switzerland Shipwreck coverGuinand, Pierre
Index Sales Circuit Notes Switzerland Tobler, Emil L.
Index Swiss Trivia - Who was Reading the Calendar Backwards ...? Switzerland Misuse of a first day cancelRainey, R. L.
Index Is This Official? Switzerland Marking of invalid stampsLaBlonde, Charles J.
Index Sad News Switzerland Obituary of Walter Huber-BertschmannGanz, Felix
Index Postmarks Switzerland Recent Sonder-, K-, machine cancelsAnonymous,
Index AMERIPEX '86 Update Switzerland Lucas, William R.
Index Hotel Post Cover - Some Insight Switzerland St. Gotthard Hotel cover; comments on Jan/Feb 1985 TELL, p. 6Buser, Sophie