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Date Loaded:
30 Jan 2020 11:30:17
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
November 1985; Vol: 11/6 Nov/Dec
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Nov 1985
Number of Pages:
Vol 11/6 Nov/Dec
Item Alt No:
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Index President's Corner - Give Yourself a Gift Switzerland LaBlonde, Charles J.
Index Talk to Me! - Editor's Comment and Observation Switzerland Turchik, Steve P.
Index SESCAL '85 a Success Switzerland Ballard, John B.
Index Our Convention at SESCAL Switzerland Craig, Wallace A.
Index CH Perfins - A Review Switzerland Book reviewTurchik, Steve P.
Index Liechtenstein Postage Stamps Switzerland Papal Visit souvenir sheet; maximum cardsStrong, Harold
Index Corinphila Auction Tops $14 million Switzerland Recent auction realizationsKehr, Ernest A.
Index New catalogs Switzerland Zumstein Europa, 1986; Zumstein Switzerland/Liechtenstein/Campione/UN GenevaGanz, Felix
Index Special Report - The "LUPO and GABRA" Shows Switzerland Kehr, Ernest A.
Index Exhibit Awards Switzerland Steve Turchik and Rudy SchaelchliSchaelchli, Rudy
Index Story of a Strange Letter Switzerland Oddly addressed letter to BaselBuser, Sophie
Index Alpine Postal Stationery Switzerland Ganz, Felix
Index AHPS Auction #63 Switzerland Lucas, William R.
Index Prices Realized Auction #61 Switzerland from Jul/Aug 1985 TELLAnonymous,
Index Postmarks Switzerland Recent Sonder-, K-, machine cancelsAnonymous,
Index Catalog Review Switzerland Supplement 2 of the Swiss Publicity Date-Stamp (K cancels) HandbookRatz, Henry
Index Spectacular video casette of NABA-ZURI parade arrives Switzerland Bauman, Howard A.
Index Sales Circuit Notes - Sales Have Increased! Switzerland Tobler, Emil L.
Index Association of the Friends of Karl Bickel Switzerland Lendi, Albert
Index ARIPEX '86 Deletes Exhibit Rule for Revenue Collectors Switzerland Egy, Harald
Index 1986 Switzerland Catalogue - 40 Year Jubilee - The Amateur Collector Ltd. Switzerland Amateur Collector catalogTurchik, Steve P.
Index New Issues Switzerland for 1986Ganz, Felix
Index In Memoriam Switzerland Obituary of Ernst FluriGanz, Felix