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31 Jan 2020 14:36:36
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
November 1991; Vol: 1/4 Iss: 4
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Nov 1991
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Vol 1/4 Iss: 4
Item Alt No:
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Key Words 
Index Act of March 2, 1827 USA  
Index Act of March 3, 1845 USA  
Index Baltimore, Md.: D.O. Blood & Co. branch office? USA  
Index Bansner, Phil, literature dealer, to publish Patton Vol. II USA  
Index Blood, Daniel O., local post operator USA  
Index D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index Brown’s City Express, Camden, N.J. USA  
Index Camden, N.J.: Blood’s Camden Express USA  
Index Camden, N.J.: Brown’s City Express, Camden, N.J. USA  
Index Camden, N.J.: Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Brown’s City Express, Camden, N.J. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Cincinnati City Delivery USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): City Dispatch, Philadelphia (owned by Kochersperger?) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Eagle Carrier USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Halsey’s Despatch (alleged predecessor of D.O. Blood & Co.) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): One Cent Despatch (Wiley’s) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Philadelphia Despatch Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): St. Louis City Delivery Co. USA  
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: dues changes USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: financial status USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Cincinnati City Delivery USA  
Index Cincinnati, Ohio: Cincinnati City Delivery USA  
Index City Dispatch, Philadelphia (owned by Kochersperger?) USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Eagle Carrier on patriotic cover (did not originate) USA  
Index Covers, patriotic: Eagle Carrier on patriotic cover (did not originate) USA  
Index Eagle Carrier: bogus covers USA  
Index Grafflin, Joseph, local post operator USA  
Index Halsey’s Despatch (alleged predecessor of D.O. Blood & Co.) USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: “Time of day” system in local post cancels USA  
Index Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Jenkins, Samuel H., local post operator USA  
Index Kochelsperger, Charles, local post operator see also United States v. Kochelsperger USA  
Index Legislation affecting private posts: Act of March 2, 1827 USA  
Index Legislation affecting private posts: Act of March 3, 1845 USA  
Index Legislation affecting private posts: Pennsylvania Consolidation Act of 1854 USA  
Index One Cent Despatch (Wiley’s) USA  
Index Penny Post, The: cost of publishing USA  
Index Philadelphia Despatch Post USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: City Dispatch (owned by Kochersperger?) USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: Consolidation Act of 1854 USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: Halsey’s Despatch (alleged predecessor of D.O. Blood & Co.) USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: Philadelphia Despatch Post USA  
Index Private Letter Posts of the United States, Vol. II (Patton), to be published USA  
Index Research methods and tools: D.O. Blood & Co., select bibliography USA  
Index Robertson & Co., Philadelphia local post operator USA  
Index St. Louis City Delivery Co. USA  
Index St. Louis, Mo.: St. Louis City Delivery Co. USA  
Index Special delivery service USA  
Index Stait, William B., local post operator USA  
Index Staley, J., established St. Louis Delivery Co. USA  
Index Blizzard Mail: D.O. Blood & Co. USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Cincinnati City Delivery USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Eagle Carrier: bogus covers USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Philadelphia Despatch Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index St. Louis City Delivery Co. USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Suppression of private posts: Act of March 2, 1827 USA  
Index Suppression of private posts: Act of March 3, 1845 USA  
Index Valentines and Valentine mail USA  
Index Washington, D.C.: D.O. Blood & Co. branch office? USA  
Index Washington, D.C.: One Cent Despatch (Wiley’s) USA