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31 Jan 2020 14:36:36
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July 1993; Vol: 3/3 Iss: 11
Copyright End Year:
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Jul 1993
Number of Pages:
Vol 3/3 Iss: 11
Item Alt No:
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Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Alexandria, Va.: Penny Posts before 1809 USA  
Index American Express Company (NYC local post) USA  
Index Baltimore, Md.: Penny Posts before 1809 USA  
Index Boston, Mass.: Penny Post before 1809 USA  
Index Broadway Post Office USA  
Index Carrier fees: established in Colonial legislation USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): American Express Company (NYC local post) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Broadway Post Office USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Coles’ City Despatch see also City Despatch Post, New York USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Franklin Carrier USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Northern Liberties News Rooms USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Penny Posts in U.S. before 1809 USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Pomeroy’s Letter Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Smith’s City Express Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Swarts City Dispatch Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Westtown local post USA  
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: annual meeting, 1993 USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Catskill, N.Y.: Penny Post before 1809 USA  
Index Cole, Charles, local post operator USA  
Index Cole’s City Despatch see also City Despatch Post, New York USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): American Express Company (NYC local post) USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Pomeroy’s Letter Express stamps USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Smith’s City Express Post USA  
Index Dobson, (first name unknown),allegedly involved with American Express Co. USA  
Index Essays and proofs: Franklin Carrier USA  
Index Franklin Carrier USA  
Index Fredericktown, Md.: Penny Post before 1809 USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: City Despatch Post, New York USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Coles’ City Despatch see also City Despatch Post, New York USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Northern Liberties News Rooms USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Swarts City Dispatch Post USA  
Index Hussey, George, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Kapiloff, Dr. Leonard A.: City Despatch Post collection USA  
Index Legislation affecting private posts: Colonial provisions on carriers and carrier fees USA  
Index Legislation affecting private posts: Post Office Act of 1792 (forbidding private posts) USA  
Index Legislation affecting private posts: Post Office Law of 1794 (authorizing employment of letter carriers) USA  
Index Lockwood, Benjamin, local post operator USA  
Index Mead, Abraham B., operator of City Despatch Post, New York USA  
Index Moens, J.-B., 19th century dealer, catalogue a source of counterfeit locals USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: American Express Company (NYC local post) USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Broadway Post Office USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: City Despatch Post see also U.S. City Despatch Post USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Coles’ City Despatch see also City Despatch Post, New York USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Penny Posts before 1809 USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Smith’s City Express Post USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Swarts City Dispatch Post USA  
Index Northern Liberties News Rooms USA  
Index Penny Post, The: awards USA  
Index Penny Posts in U.S. : before 1809 USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: Northern Liberties News Rooms USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: Penny Posts before 1809 USA  
Index Pomeroy’s Letter Express USA  
Index Portland, Me.: Penny Post before 1809 USA  
Index Post Office Act of 1792, forbidding private posts USA  
Index Postal cards see Stamps and stamped stationery, carrier and local USA  
Index Rawdon, Wright & Hatch, stamp printers USA  
Index Richmond, Va.: Penny Post before 1809 USA  
Index Scott, J.W., 19th century dealer/cataloguer; counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Scott, J.W., 19th century dealer/cataloguer; counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Smith & Dobson, reported express company operators USA  
Index Smith’s City Express Post USA  
Index American Express Company (NYC local post) USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Broadway Post Office USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index City Despatch Post, New York USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Coles’ City Despatch see also City Despatch Post, New York USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Franklin Carrier USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Northern Liberties News Rooms: handstamp or press-printed stationery? USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Pomeroy & Co. Express USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Smith’s City Express Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Swarts City Dispatch Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index U.S. City Despatch Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Westtown School locals USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Suppression of private posts: Post Office Act of 1792, forbidding private posts USA  
Index Swarts, Aaron, local post operator USA  
Index Swarts City Dispatch Post USA  
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Troy, N.Y.: Penny Post before 1809 USA  
Index Valentines and Valentine mail USA  
Index Washington, D.C.: Penny Post before 1809 USA  
Index Westtown local post USA  
Index Wilmington, Del.: Penny Post before 1809 USA  
Index Wood, Thomas, printer, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA