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31 Jan 2020 14:36:36
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Journal / Periodical
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October 1994; Vol: 4/4 Iss: 16
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Oct 1994
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Vol 4/4 Iss: 16
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Index Act of June 2, 1836 USA  
Index Albany, N.Y.: Hoyt’s Letter Express and Pomeroy’s Letter Express conjunctive covers USA  
Index D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index Boyd’s City Dispatch : Fleischmann’s printed to private order postal card USA  
Index Boyd’s City Express: conjunctive use with Hoyt’s Letter Express USA  
Index Boyd’s City Express: Scott No. 20L2, earliest reported use USA  
Index Carrier fees: in 1807 USA  
Index Carrier fees: in Philadelphia, pre-1836 through June 30, 1863, tabulation USA  
Index Carrier fees: reduced in 1849 USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Boyd’s City Dispatch USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Boyd’s City Express Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): City Dispatch Post, Philadelphia USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Eagle Carrier USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): T.A. Hampton City Despatch USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): G.S. Harris Despatch Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Hopedale Penny Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Hoyt’s Letter Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Philadelphia Despatch Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Pomeroy’s Letter Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Teese & Co. Penny Post USA  
Index “Check marks” in ink; “from the mail” annotations on carrier mail? USA  
Index City Dispatch Post, Philadelphia USA  
Index Conjunctive service: Hoyt’s Letter Express conjunctive covers USA (service by 2 or more private letter express companies) 
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Overton & Co. USA  
Index Drop letter carrier fee: delay in implementation USA  
Index Drop letters, regulations governing USA  
Index Eagle Carrier: dies and proofs USA  
Index Milford, Mass. (Hopedale Penny Post) - England, 1853 (illus.): 0 USA Foreign mails, and U.S. local posts/independent carriers 
Index ship letters, procedures concerning: 0 USA Foreign mails, and U.S. local posts/independent carriers 
Index T.A. Hampton City Despatch USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: City Dispatch Post, Philadelphia USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: T.A. Hampton City Despatch USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: G.S. Harris Despatch Post USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Lowell, Mass. carrier stars USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Philadelphia Despatch Post USA  
Index G.S. Harris Despatch Post USA  
Index Hopedale, Pa.: Hopedale Penny Post USA  
Index Hopedale Penny Post USA  
Index Hoyt’s Letter Express USA  
Index Legislation affecting private posts: Act of July 2, 1836 USA  
Index Legislation affecting private posts: Post Office Law of 1794 (authorizing employment of letter carriers) USA  
Index Lowell, Mass.: carrier service, star markings USA  
Index Middletown, Pa., early carrier delivery service USA  
Index Milford, Mass.: Hopedale Penny Post, turned cover to England USA  
Index Moens, J.-B., 19th century dealer, catalogue a source of counterfeit locals USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Boyd’s City Dispatch USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Boyd’s City Express Post : conjunctive use with Hoyt’s Letter Express USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Boyd’s City Express Post : Scott No. 20L2, earliest reported use USA  
Index Overton & Co. USA  
Index Penny Post, The: awards USA  
Index Penny Post, The: cumulative index: Vol. 1-4 USA  
Index Penny Post, The: postal history, more coverage needed USA  
Index Penny Posts in U.S. : after 1836 USA  
Index Philadelphia Despatch Post USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: D.O. Blood & Co. USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: carrier fees, pre-1836 through June 30, 1863, tabulation USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: carrier letter, handled outside of the mails, 1807 USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: carrier service: procedures USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: carrier service: reorganized 1862 following demise of Blood’s Dispatch USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: “check marks” in ink: carrier mail? USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: City Dispatch Post, Philadelphia USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: drop letter carrier fee, delay in implementation USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: Eagle Carrier USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: T.A. Hampton City Despatch USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: G.S. Harris Despatch Post USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: Philadelphia Despatch Post USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: short-lived local posts USA  
Index Philadelphia, Pa.: Teese & Co. Penny Post USA  
Index Pomeroy’s Letter Express : in conjunction with Hoyt’s Letter Express, Boyd’s USA  
Index Precancellations, and carrier stamps USA  
Index Precancellations, and carrier stamps: local stamps USA  
Index Rochester, N.Y.: Hoyt’s Letter Express USA  
Index Scott, J.W., 19th century dealer/cataloguer; counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Scott Specialized Catalogue of United States Stamps: improved coverage of carriers and locals planned USA  
Index Boyd’s City Dispatch: Fleischmann’s printed to private order postal card USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Boyd’s City Dispatch: Scott No. 20L2, earliest reported use USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Boyd’s City Express Post: in conjunction with Hoyt’s Letter Express, Pomeroy’s USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index City Dispatch Post, Philadelphia USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Eagle Carrier: precancel USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index T.A. Hampton Despatch Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index G.S. Harris Despatch Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Hopedale Penny Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Hoyt’s Letter Express: conjunctive covers USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Hoyt’s Letter Express: se-tenant pair on cover, “Lettcr” error USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Overton & Co. USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Pomeroy’s Letter Express: in combination with Hoyt’s Letter Express, Boyd’s USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Teese & Co. Penny Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Teese & Co. Penny Post USA  
Index Turned cover: Hopedale Penny Post cover to England USA  
Index Washington, D.C.: carrier service USA  
Index Washington, D.C.: “check marks” in ink: carrier mail? USA  
Index Way letters: regulations concerning USA