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Date Loaded:
31 Jan 2020 14:36:36
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
July 2002; Vol: 10/3 Iss: 40
Copyright End Year:
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Page Nos List:
Jul 2002
Number of Pages:
Vol 10/3 Iss: 40
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Adams, Alvin, expressman USA  
Index Adams & Co.’s Express USA  
Index Adams & Co.’s Express USA  
Index American Express Company (NYC local post) USA  
Index American Express Company USA  
Index American Letter Express USA  
Index American Letter Mail Co. USA  
Index Aroonstook’s Express USA  
Index Atlantic Express USA  
Index Ayer’s USA  
Index Baker’s Express (not the local post) USA  
Index Baldwin’s Express USA  
Index Barnes Express USA  
Index Barnes Stage Express USA  
Index Beal’s Express USA  
Index Bee’s Express USA  
Index Beech’s Express USA  
Index Berford & Co. USA  
Index Berger-Levraúlt, Francois Georges USA  
Index Bigelow’s Express USA  
Index Blake & Davenport Express USA  
Index Book and CD Reviews: Catalog of Private Express Labels and Stamps 1839-1918, Canada 1841-1926 USA  
Index Bordentown Stage USA  
Index Boston, Mass.: Boston Parcel Post Co. USA  
Index Boston Parcel Post Co. USA  
Index Bouton’s Manhattan Express USA  
Index Bradford’s Express USA  
Index Broadway Post Office USA  
Index Brook’s & Davis Express USA  
Index Brooklyn, N.Y.: Brooklyn City Express Post USA  
Index Brooklyn City Express Post USA  
Index Brown’s Express USA  
Index Brumens Gees Express USA  
Index Bryant’s Express USA  
Index Buck’s Express USA  
Index Buck’s Richmond Express (bogus) USA  
Index Burlington Stage Express USA  
Index Camden, N.J.: Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Adams & Co.’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Adams & Co.’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): American Express Company (NYC local post) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): American Express Company USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): American Letter Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): American Letter Mail Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Aroonstook’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Atlantic Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Ayer’s USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Baker’s Express (not the local post) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Baldwin’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Barnes Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Barnes Stage Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Beal’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Bee’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Beech’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Berford & Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Bigelow’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Blake & Davenport Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Bordentown Stage USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Boston Parcel Post Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Bouton’s Manhattan Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Bradford’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Broadway Post Office USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Brook’s & Davis Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Brooklyn City Express Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Brown’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Brumens Gees Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Bryant’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Buck’s Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Burlington Stage Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Chain Deliveries Express, Inc. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Clarke’s Circular Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Damon & Co’s Hudson River Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Dunham’s Union Place Post Office USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Harnden’s Package Express & Foreign Letter Office USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Johnson’s Box (bogus) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Letter Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Messenkope’s Union Square Post Office USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): New Jersey Express Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): New Jersey Express Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Overton & Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Smith’s City Express Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Southern Express Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Union Square Post Office USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): U. S. Penny Post (St. Louis) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): United States Express Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Virgil & Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Westervelt’s Post USA  
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: album pages (locals and carrier stamps) USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: annual meeting, 2002 USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: annual meeting, 2003 USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: CD, plea for exhibits on CD for sale USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: mail auction, first USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: Treasurer’s report USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: website USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Chain Deliveries Express, Inc. USA  
Index Chester, NY: Westervelt’s Post USA  
Index Clarke’s Circular Express USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): American Express Company (NYC local post) USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Brooklyn City Express Post USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Buck’s Richmond Express (bogus) USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Clarke’s Circular Express USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Johnson’s Box (bogus) USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Letter Express USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Messenkope’s Union Square Post Office USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): New Jersey Express Co. USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Smith’s City Express Post USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): U. S. Penny Post USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Union Square Post Office USA  
Index Damon & Co’s Hudson River Express USA  
Index Dodd, A.S., expressman USA  
Index Dunham, Joseph E., local post operator USA  
Index Dunham’s Union Place Post Office USA  
Index Godfrey, Phineas C., local post operator USA  
Index Hall, E.C., early English dealer, and locals USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Bordentown Stage USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Broadway Post Office USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Clarke’s Circular Express USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Dunham’s Union Place Post Office USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Messenkope’s Union Square Post Office USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Noisy Carrier USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Union Square Post Office USA  
Index Harnden’s Package Express & Foreign Letter Office USA  
Index Harriott, James C., local post operator USA  
Index Hussey, George, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Hussey, George, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Hussey, George, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Johnson’s Box (bogus) USA  
Index King, Isaac Moses, early NYC dealer USA  
Index Kline, John W., 19th century dealer, and forgeries USA  
Index Kline, John W., 19th century dealer, and forgeries USA  
Index Kline, John W., 19th century dealer, and forgeries USA  
Index Letter Express USA  
Index Lockwood, Benjamin, local post operator USA  
Index Messenkope, Charles F., local post operator USA  
Index Messenkope’s Union Square Post Office USA  
Index Miller, Charles, purported local post operator USA  
Index Moens, J.-B., 19th century dealer, catalogue a source of counterfeit locals USA  
Index Moens, J.-B., 19th century dealer, catalogue a source of counterfeit locals USA  
Index Moens, J.-B., 19th century dealer, catalogue a source of counterfeit locals USA  
Index Moens, J.-B., 19th century dealer, catalogue a source of counterfeit locals USA  
Index Moore, Edward, and Company, early English dealers, and locals USA  
Index Newark, N.J.: New Jersey Express Co. USA  
Index New Jersey Express Co. USA  
Index New Jersey Express Co. USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: American Express Company (NYC local post) USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Bouton’s Manhattan Express USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Broadway Post Office USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Clarke’s Circular Express USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Dunham’s Union Place Post Office USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Messenkope’s Union Square Post Office USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: New Jersey Express Co. USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Smith’s City Express Post USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Union Square Post Office USA  
Index Noisy Carrier USA  
Index Overton & Co. USA  
Index Peck, C., expressman USA  
Index Penny Post, The: guidelines for articles USA  
Index St. Louis, Mo.: U. S. Penny Post USA  
Index San Francisco, Calif.: Noisy Carrier USA  
Index Scott, J.W., 19th century dealer/cataloguer; counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Smith, Alfred, early English dealer, and locals USA  
Index Smith, Stafford, early English dealer, and locals USA  
Index Smith’s City Express Post USA  
Index Southern Express Co. USA  
Index American Express Company (NYC local post) USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Broadway Post Office USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Brooklyn City Express Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Clarke’s Circular Express USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Messenkope’s Union Square Post Office USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index New Jersey Express Co. USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Smith’s City Express Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Union Square Post Office USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Westervelt’s Post USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index U. S. Penny Post (St. Louis) USA  
Index Union Square Post Office USA  
Index United States Express Co. USA  
Index Virgil & Co. USA  
Index Westervelt’s Post USA  
Index Wood, Thomas, printer, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Wood, Thomas, printer, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA