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31 Jan 2020 14:36:36
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Journal / Periodical
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July 2004; Vol: 12/3 Iss: 48
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Jul 2004
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Vol 12/3 Iss: 48
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Key Words 
Index American Letter Mail Co. USA  
Index Baltimore, Md.: One Cent Despatch (Wiley’s) USA  
Index Boston, Mass.: Cheever & Towle USA  
Index Boyd’s City Express: conjunctive use with Vanbenthuysen’s News Office USA  
Index Camden, N.J.: Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): American Letter Mail Co. USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Boyd’s City Express Post USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Cheever & Towle USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Dupuy & Schenck USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Letter Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): One Cent Despatch (Wiley’s) USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Pomeroy’s Letter Express USA  
Index Carriers and local posts (by name): Vanbenthuysen’s News Office USA  
Index Carriers and Locals Society, The: objectives USA see also Penny Post, The 
Index Cheever & Towle USA  
Index Colbert, William M., stamped envelope manufacturer USA  
Index Conjunctive service: Boyd’s City Express, conjunctive use with Vanbenthuysen’s News Office USA (service by 2 or more private letter express companies) 
Index Conjunctive service: Letter Express, cover serviced by three independent posts USA (service by 2 or more private letter express companies) 
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Dupuy & Schenck USA  
Index Cotton Speculation Expresses (1820s): Jenkins Camden Dispatch stamps USA  
Index Dupuy & Schenck USA  
Index Essays and proofs: Jenkins’ Camden Dispatch, 1943 souvenir “card proofs” USA  
Index Handstamps and cancellations, carriers and local posts: Vanbenthuysen’s News Office USA  
Index Hussey, George, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Jenkins Camden Dispatch USA  
Index Jenkins, Samuel H., local post operator USA  
Index Jenkins, William Henry, local post operator USA  
Index Klein, Eugene, dealer/author, and Jenkins Camden Post USA  
Index Lansingburgh, N.Y.: Vanbenthuysen’s News Office USA  
Index Letter Express: cover serviced by three independent posts USA  
Index Moens, J.-B., 19th century dealer, catalogue a source of counterfeit locals USA  
Index Moens, J.-B., 19th century dealer, catalogue a source of counterfeit locals USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Boyd’s City Express Post : conjunctive use with Vanbenthuysen’s News Office USA  
Index New York, N.Y.: Dupuy & Schenck USA  
Index One Cent Despatch (Wiley’s) USA  
Index Parker, The Rev. Theodore (addressee of Cheever & Towle cover; brief biog.) USA  
Index Penny Post, The: guidelines for articles USA  
Index Perry, Elliott: his “greatest Independent Mail cover” (with 3 independent mail uses) USA  
Index Pomeroy’s Letter Express USA  
Index Pratt, Elmer C., and 1943 “card proofs” of Jenkins Camden Dispatch stamp USA  
Index Replicas, of carrier and local stamps: Jenkins Camden Dispatch souvenir cards and “card proofs” USA  
Index Scott, J.W., 19th century dealer/cataloguer; counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Scott, J.W., 19th century dealer/cataloguer; counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Sewell, H.W.: unidentified label, “PAID 5 CENTS H.W.SEWELL” USA  
Index Cheever & Towle USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Dupuy & Schenck USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Jenkins Camden Express USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index One Cent Despatch (Wiley’s) USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Pomeroy’s Letter Express USA Stamps (including express co. labels) and stamped stationery, carrier, local, and express companies 
Index Stimmell, Gordon (introductory biographic data) USA  
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Taylor, S. Allan, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA  
Index Vanbenthuysen’s News Office USA  
Index Wood, Thomas, printer, and counterfeits of carrier and local stamps USA