Key Words:
Lancaster & Carlisle Railway Company; Provincial Ireland Ballina; Engraving copper Cerificate Limerick & Ennis Railway Company; Engraving copper Check North London Railway Company Traffic ; Bank of Australasia Geelong; Lincoln & Lindsey Lincoln; Finishing Exchequer Bond front £1,000; Lancaster & Carlisle Railway Certificates; Life Policy Stamps ; Playing Cards Wrapper; Engraving Steel folio Check Union Bank of Croydon in place of Copper worn out; Bank of British North America St. John, New Brunswick; Plate Mr. Samuel Wittey; Bank of Australasia Adelaide; National Ireland Dungarvan; Bank of Australia £100 Note; Victoria London Dock Company; Playing Cards Wrapper; Letter of Credit Bank of New South Wales; Bank of Australasia Hobart Town; Bank of Australasia Adelaide