Key Words:
Australian Joint Stock £5 Note Newcastle; Northern Banking Company 44; Northern Banking Company £20 Note new branches; Hum mil reis blank Serie 1 & 2 (Portugal / Brazil); Dies B. of B. N. A. (Bank of British North America); Stamford Spalding Boston ; Altering India Office Bond £1000 front; Altering India Office Bond £500 front; Bank of New South Wales Receipt blank manager ; Hum mil reis J Serie (Portugal / Brazil); Hum mil reis V Serie (Portugal / Brazil); Australian Joint Stock Newcastle; Dois mil reis OO Serie (Portugal / Brazil); Northern ; Commercial Scotland May 1861; B. of B. N. A. 15 August 1861 (Bank of British North America); Cinco mil reis 28a Serie 1 & 2 (Portugal / Brazil); Northern ; Dois mil reis PP Serie 19 & 20 (Portugal / Brazil); Bank of Madras On demand; Colonial Bank Bill Sola; National Bank of Australasia Sola Bill Ballarat; Bank of Madras Interest Warrant