Key Words:
Pursuant etc to Lancaster ; Finishing Postage Plate No 183 ; Union Bank Australia £1 note Melbourne; Knaresborough ; Union Bank Australia £1 note Sydney; Bank of British North America Glyn Mills & Co; O S Mr Alexander Ridgway; Finishing Postage Plate R 14; Limerick & Ennis Railway Certificate to One Share; Liverpool Cheque; Union Bank Australia £5 note Melbourne; National Bank Ireland £20 note Charleville; Bank of New South Wales £100; West of England & South Wales £5 note Tredegar; National Ireland Enniscorthy Fermoy Tralee; Union Bank Australia £1 note Geelong; Ionian Cheque Zante; Union Australia £10; Birmingham Bill to Birmingham; Bank of New South Wales £100; Postage Die Victoria one penny; Provincial Ireland Waterford & Kilrush