Key Words:
Bank of New South Wales Sandhurst; National Ireland; Henry E Hoole & Company; Finishing Postage Plate No. 13; Rowlands Camphorated Chalk square Labels; Sir Samuel Scott’s Letter d’ Indication (Lettre d’Indication); Bucks & Oxon Union Bank; Australian Trust Company Certificate; Bank of Australasia Warrnambool; Lincoln & Lindsey Gainsborough; Bucks & Oxon; Finishing Postage Plate No. 14; Shropshire Banking Company London Bank; Lincoln & Lindsey Gainsborough; Copper Certificate Australian Trust Company; Pesos Plate Argentina; Lincoln & Lindsey; Lincoln & Lindsey Lincoln; Provincial Bank Ireland Sligo; Rowlands Round Camphorated Chalk Label; Finishing Postage Plate No. 15; Bank of Scotland