Key Words:
Denomination die ONE Union Bank of Scotland; Repairing Labels for Tobacco Wrappers; Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Provincial Ireland Limerick Sligo; Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Provincial Ireland Dungarvan; Cumberland Banking Company; Colonial Bank set of Bills blank; Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Bank of N. S. Wales National Bank of Ireland; Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Lincoln & Lindsey Receipt; Drawing for Stamp U; Finishing Postage Plate Turks Islands six pence (30 on plate); National Bank of Scotland Office Bankers (agent); Alliance Assurance Office; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil); Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil); Finishing Postage Plate Turks Islands one shilling (30 on plate); Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Alliance Assurance Office Barnetts Hoares Hanbury & Lloyd; Label Essence of Peppermint Edmonson & Bristow (3 on plate)