Key Words:
Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Engraving New plate Cumberland Union Banking Company Limited; Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Bank of N. S. Wales set of Bills Dunedin; Northern Banking Company £10. (4 new branches); Engraving dies vinte mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) borders ; Northern Banking Company £1. 4 new branches; Oriental Bank Corporation 15th February 1867 Galle; Robey & Company Iron Works London agents; Engraving dies for mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) notes ; Boston Bank after date; Cinco mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Bank of N. S. Wales £1 Sydney; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Commercial Bank of Scotland £10; Stourbridge & Kidderminster Bill to On Demand; Consolidated 52 Threadneedle Street; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil) ; Ridgway & Sons Order 2 Waterloo Place Pall Mall London S.W.; Cinco mil