Key Words:
National Bank of Australasia; Boston Bank £5 £10 notes; Bank of Australasia Melbourne; Union Bank of Australia; Bank of Australasia Newcastle; Vinte mil reis (Portugal / Brazil); Northern Banking Company £10 note; Cincoenta mil reis (Portugal / Brazil); Bank Leeds London Bankers Brown Janson & Company; National Bank of Scotland Glyn & Co; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil); Dois mil reis (Portugal / Brazil); Bank of Australasia Dunedin; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil); Manchester & Salford Manchester; Hum mil reis (Portugal / Brazil); Bank of Australasia Adelaide; Boston Bank £5 note; Liverpool Union Cunliffes Brooks & Company ; Sir S Scotts Letter of Indication; Farmiloe & Sons; N & S Western Junction Railway Cheque ; Glyn Mills Currie & Company ; Bank of Australasia Dunedin