Key Words:
Norwich Crown Bank Barnett Hoares & Co.; York City & County Ripon cheque to Bearer; Union Scotland facial ONE; La Providencia Sociedad General del Peru 500 Pesos Lima; Bank of Scotland £10 note 6 November 1863; Lancaster Banking Company Cheque Preston; Die London & South America notes; Provincial Ireland cheque Bandon; Saffron Walden & N. Essex notes (North Essex); Provincial Ireland cheque Cavan Kilkenny; Lancaster Banking Company Lancaster Bearer; Die Rowland’s Lavender Water Label; Card Plate Miss Uniacke & Miss G. Uniacke; Union Bank of Scotland facial ONE; Union Bank of Scotland £1 note 2nd February 1864; Union Bank of Scotland 2nd February 1864; Union Bank of Scotland 2nd February 1864; Bank of Australasia Adelaide 1st January 1864; Bank of Australasia Adelaide 1st January 1864; Bill Morrison Dillon & Co. M. M. Holloway; Lancaster Banking Company cheque Kirkby Lonsdale; York City & County Howden cheque; Union Scotland On Demand Bills blank; 15 September 1863 Oriental Ba