Key Words:
Samuel Smith & Co. Derby On demand; Steel The Fairbairn Engineering Company; On Demand Sola Bill Bank of Madras; Bank of Liverpool On demand Royal Bank of Ireland; Chartered Mercantile Bank of India fronts and backs Colombo; Bank of N. S. Wales Melbourne (New South Wales); Bank of Scotland Teller; Finishing Postage Plate No. 89; Bilston District Certificate; St. Mary-le-bone Workhouse to Order ; Altering Bill Plate LATE M. D. & Co. M. M. Holloway; Commercial Bank of Scotland 2nd May 1864; Sir S. Scotts Letter of Indication; Bank of Madras Cocanada Cochin Calicut; Bucks & Oxon to Order (Buckinghamshire & Oxfordshire); The Fore Street Workhouse Company; St. Mary-le-bone Workhouse; B. of B. N. A. Seventy Five Days (Bank of British North America); Finishing Postage Plate No. 90; Certificate & Seal The Fore Street Workhouse Company; Cards Mr & Mrs Griffin Wolverhampton; Bank of Scotland 3 May 1864; Northern Banking Company Ballynahinch; Chartered Mercantile Bank of India Kandy; Fore S