Key Words:
Brown & Co Leeds Bradford; Small Tobacco Label; Finishing Postage Plate No. 91; The National Bank of Australasia Adelaide; Finishing Postage Roller 1d. No. 5 from 94 to 100; Card Perkins Bacon & Co Represented by W H Roberts Edinburgh; Oriental Bank Corporation Kandy; La Union Castellana Valladolid Bond; Wiggins & Co; Finishing Plate Postage No. 92; The National Bank of Australasia Adelaide; Chartered Mercantile Bank of India; Madras Calicut; National Bank of Australasia Melbourne; National Bank of Australasia Adelaide; Union Scotland Glasgow; National Bank of India; Bucks & Oxon Jones Loyd & Co London & Westminster Bank; The Fairbairn Engineering Company Manchester; Northern Banking Company; Northern Banking Company; Finishing Plate Postage No. 93 ; Melbourne Loan La Union Castellana Valladolid; Chartered Mercantile; La Union Castellana Valladolid Bond; Northern Banking Company