Key Words:
Valladolid Bond 3a; London Agents Barnetts & Co. Heads Brampton; National Bank of Australasia Sola Bill Blank; Northern Banking Company Comber new branch; Douglas Isle of Man front William Dumbell; Bucks & Oxon London & Westminster agents; B. of B. N. A. set of Bills St. John New Brunswick branch (Bank of British North America) ; Oriental Sydney 18 September 1864; Steel new Certificate Bank of Bombay; Letters of Credit B. of B. N. A. (Bank of British North America) ; B. of B. N. A. Trunk Letter of Credit Vancouver’s Island (Vancouver Island) (Bank of British North America) ; Bank of Australasia Letter of Credit; Bank of Australasia set of Bills London branches; Engraving Back for Southland Loan; British Linen facials B L Co; Bicester & Oxfordshire Bank Agra & Masterman’s Bank; Bicester & Oxfordshire Bank Agra & Masterman’s Bank; Finishing Postage Plate No. 96; Wolverhampton Bilston District blank; Consolidated Bank On demand; William Williams Brown & Co. Le