Key Words:
B. of B. N. A. Letters of Credit headings (Bank of British North America) ; B. of B. N. A. Letter of Credit heading Royal Bank of Liverpool (Bank of British North America) ; Boston Bank; Bank of Australasia set of Bills London branches; B. of B. N. A. Letter of Credit heading Manchester & Salford Bank (Bank of British North America) ; Die Northern Banking Company Comber; British Linen Company September 1864; Oriental Bank Corporation Taels Shanghai; British Linen Company October 1864; Bucks & Oxon Banbury London Agents; B. of B. N. A. On demand National Bank Union Bank of Manchester (Bank of British North America) West of England & South Wales District Bank; Engraving New Zealand Postage die four pence; Back National Bank of India Certificate; Stamp The Provincial Banking Corporation Limited; Robey & Company’s Perseverance Iron Works Lincoln & Lindsey; Stamp The Provincial Banking Corporation Limited; Northern Banking Company Comber; Silver pass Ticket Lancaster & Carlisle Ra