Key Words:
British Guiana Manager; Liverpool Union L. Agents Barnetts & Co. (London Agents); B. of B. N. A. On demand West of England (Bank of British North America) ; Oriental Bank Corporation Taels Shanghai; Saffron Walden & North Essex Gibson & Co.; Dies Paraguay Un Peso; National Bank Ballymahon; National Bank of India; Border dies un peso Paraguay; Engraving Government Registration Stamp Ireland; Letter of Credit Bank of Queensland West of England; Hart’s Trade mark die; British Linen 1st November 1864; Dies Paraguay; National Bank of Australasia; Provincial Ireland Athlone; Centre die Dos Pesos Paraguay; Engraving Government Stamp 10/s Registration Fee Ireland; West of England & S. Wales Modbury; Lincoln & Lindsey Sleaford; Paraguay die Arms Dos Pesos; B. of B. N. A. N. York set of Bills Sight out (Bank of British North America) (New York); Bank of Queensland Letter of Credit West of England & South Wales; Provincial Ireland Limerick Sligo; Engraving Govern