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Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies
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Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies
Associated Person
Collection of trophies, philatelic societies badges and a British Philatelic Federation medal donated by the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies.
Associated Person
'The Lingley Shield' wooden trophy of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the outstanding contribution to philately in Kent. Presented to the Kent Federation by the Sidcup Philatelic Society. The shield is mounted on a wooden base. The shield and base accommodate thirty-five metal side shields with engraved years and names of the Cup's winners dating from 1986 to 2022. The first winner was K. Paterson in 1986; the last recorded winner was M. Dobbs in 2022. Ray-Dor Signs & Engravers,
Associated Person
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies wooden gavel presented in memory of D.R. Bull Esq., President 1951-52, by his daughter. The gavel is resting on a decorative wooden stand. Inside original wooden box.
Associated Person
K.F.P.S. (Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies) circle enamel button pin badge. Red coloured background with the image of the 'White Horse of Kent' in the centre surrounded by 'K.F.P.S.' in gold lettering. Attached to 'London badge & button' backing card. The London Badge & Button Co. Ltd, Kings Meadow Lane, Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire. Made in England.
Associated Person
The Francis J. Field aerophilatelic trophy of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 8 sheet Inter-Society Aerophilatelic competition. Presented to the KFPS by Francis J. Field in 1975. The first winner was the Sidup Philatelic Society in 1976; the last recorded winner was the Cinque Ports Philatelic Society in 2017.
Associated Person
The W.A. Page postal history trophy of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 8 sheet Inter-Society Postal History competition. Presented to the KFPS by W.A. Page, President 1961-62 & 1969-70. The first winner was the Gravesend SC in 1976; the last recorded winner was the Malling SC in 2018.
Associated Person
The Paul Mount Thematic Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 16 sheet Individual Thematic competition. The first winner was Mrs S. Foster in 1999; the last recorded winner was Miss J. Viggars in 2019. English pewter. Made in England by Supreme Awards, 474 Bromley Road, Kent, BR1 4PB.
Associated Person
The Lottie Gray Aerophilately Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 16 sheet Individual Aerophilatelic competition. Presented to the KFPS by Mrs Charlotte M. Gray during her term as President 1970-71. The first winner was Paul Davey in 2001; the last recorded winner was Paul Cahill in 2017. Hallmarked silver.
Associated Person
The Grant Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 8 sheet Inter-Society Traditional competition. Presented to the KFPS by B.S.H. Grant FRPSL, President 1947-49. The first winner was the Isle of Thanet Philatelic Society in 1950; the last recorded winner was the Cinque Ports Philatelic Society in 2017. Hallmarked silver. Separate round wooden base. Inside wooden presentation box.
Associated Person
The Arthur Jackson Postal History Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 16 sheet Individual Postal History competition. Presented to the KFPS by Woolwich & District Philatelic Society. The first winner was Ashford in 2000; the last recorded winner was C. Tobitt in 2019. Inside wooden presentation box.
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies- Annual statements 1947-2019
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies-meeting minutes 2015-2023
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies-meeting minutes 2010-2014
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies-meeting minutes 2006-2009
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies-meeting minutes 2001-2005
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies-AGM minutes and papers 2001-2009
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies-AGM minutes and papers 2010-2017
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies-EGM minutes and papers
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies-Executive Committee minutes and papers 2015-2017
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies 'Junior Day 1974' Programme
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies accounts, meeting minutes, AGM minutes, Constitution and Rules, contact details, 2015 - 2023
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Visitors Book 1983-2018
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Directory 2015-2016
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Directory 2017
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Directory 2019
Order of Service booklet for the funeral of Grahame Charles Boutle, Thrusday 16th February 2023
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies information leaflet, 26th January 2015
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies 2016 Spring Rally & AGM leaflet, 16th April 2016
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Suggestions for YOUR consideration if YOU are proposing holding a Philatelic Fair/Federation Rally, August 2009
Society Stamp & Postcard Fair with Federation Rally and Exhibition organizational requirements, undated (Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies)
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Picture Postcard Competition points to consider, compiled by Michael R Thomson KFPS Hon Competition Secretary, undated
Handwritten letter from Hon Secretary of the Romney Marsh Philatelic & Postcard Society addressed to Mr Dobbs of The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies, dated 14th June 2019
Typewritten letter from Grahame Boutle Hon Secretary of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies addressed to Mr Derek Hamilton Smith, dated 22nd November 2016
Typewritten letter from Grahame Boutle Hon Secretary of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies addressed to Miss Julie Lester, dated 22nd November 2016
Typewritten letter from Grahame Boutle Hon Secretary of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies addressed to Mr Tony Hickey, dated 22nd November 2016
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies meeting information & Agenda, dated 2022
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies 'Officers of the Federation' list
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies 'Functions, Role and Duties of the Federation and its Officers', dated 30th August 2013
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies 'Constitution and Rules', approved by Council 28th March 2009, adopted by Extraordinary General Meeting 26th September 2009 (confirmed by the KFPS Executive on 10th August 2015)
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies 'Regulations for 16 Sheet Individual Competitions', Version 1, Council Meeting 24th September 2016
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies 'Regulations for 8 Sheet Inter-Society Competitions', Version 1, Council Meeting 24th September 2016
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies 'Regulations for the Inter-Society Competitions - The Picture Postcard Competition', November 2018
Job description of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Chairman, November 2018
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Executive Minutes etc 1998-2014
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies book of records of the achievements of the affiliated societies
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Constitution and Rules including Competitions etc 1995-2018
Competition Rules and Regulations, Minutes of Committee Meetings, Minutes of Council Meetings, AGM Minutes, correspondence etc 1993-2004
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Directories
Programme cards, leaflets related to KFPS rallies and other events
Programme cards and leaflets from KFPS events.
Regulations for the competitions, rules, reports, minutes and other events of KFPS
Rules and regulations related to KFPS activities (displays, exhibitions, various competitions). Minutes of meetings, reports and correspondence.
KFPS Minute Book for the period April 1947 - March 1973
Minutes of meetings of other events of KFPS, correspondence and miscellaneous.
KFPS Treasurers Book (2007 - 2021). Miscellaneous (1999 - 2018).
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on the 11th February 2017 at Langley Park Boys School, Beckenham, Kent
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Website Report, undated
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies Income and Expenditure Account for Year ending 31st December 2017
Typewritten letter from Colin Tobitt FRPSL (Treasurer) concerning The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies income & expenditure & website
Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies list of member's posts
Associated Person
'The Lingley Shield' wooden trophy of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the outstanding contribution to philately in Kent. Presented to the Kent Federation by the Sidcup Philatelic Society. The shield accommodates eleven metal side shields with engraved years and names of the Cup's winners dating from 1986 to 1997.
Associated Person
Wooden base for 'The Lingley Shield' trophy of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the outstanding contribution to philately in Kent. The base accommodates twenty-four metal side shields with engraved years and names of the Cup's winners dating from 1998 to 2022.
Associated Person
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies wooden ivory colour gloss gavel.
Associated Person
The Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies decorative gavel wooden gloss stand with a silver sounding block in its middle. Metal plate on the stand's front side reads: 'KENT FEDERATION OF PHILATELIC SOCIETIES/Presented in memory/of D.R. Bull ESQ.,/PRESIDENT 1951-52/by his Daugher'. The stand has four legs. The sounding block is hallmarked C&A.
Associated Person
Rectangular wooden box for the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies gavel. Two metal shutter hooks. Green felt interior.
Associated Person
The Grant Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 8 sheet Inter-Society Traditional competition. Presented to the KFPS by B.S.H. Grant FRPSL, President 1947-49. With two handles. The engraved names of the 1950-1985 winners on the back. Hallmarked silver.
Associated Person
Round wooden base for The Grant Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies. The engraved names of the 1986-2017 winners on the metal trophy plinth band.
Associated Person
Wooden box for The Grant Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies. With key lock and metal handle. Missing key. Green felt lining and cushion pad.
Associated Person
The Arthur Jackson Postal History Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 16 sheet Individual Postal History competition. Presented to the KFPS by Woolwich & District Philatelic Society. The first winner was Ashford in 2000; the last recorded winner was C. Tobitt in 2019. Metal cup with handles on black plastic base.
Associated Person
Wooden box for The Arthur Jackson Postal History Trophy (Cup) of the Kent Federation of Philatelic Societies for the 16 sheet Individual Postal History competition. With single magnetic door catch.