The Society’s first One Frame competition took place at 41 Devonshire Place on 12th July 2018. No event took place in 2019 due to the relocation of the Society to Abchurch Lane. Then the event was not able to be held in 2020 and 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The competition then took place in 2022, 2023 and 2024.
It is with great pleasure that we are pleased to announce that the One Frame Competition will return to the Royal in 2025 and is to take place on
Thursday 3rd July 2025.
This will be the fifth time we have run the competition and have seen some truly amazing entries. In that spirit we would like to see some more and so it is time to dust off those one frame entries and send in an application.
You can submit your entry electronically using this link: Devonshire Bowl electronic entry submission
Alternatively you can download an entry form from this link:
Link to download the entry form
You may also collect an entry form from the Administration office, so please enter now, but only one entry each please. Please submit, email or post in your application form and the first/introductory page that will be published anonymously in the handout.
This is a single frame competition, for up to 16 single sheets or a combination of sheets that can be displayed on a frame holding 16 sheets. All members are able to participate as it is an “open” event enabling all subjects and classes, recognized under existing ABPS categories, to compete and enjoy the competition.
The same rules will be applied as before. All those attending the Royal on the day will be given a voting slip allowing each member to make three choices in order of their preference, only one slip per member. A simple 3,2,1 point scoring will then be applied and should there be a tie then our President, Simon Richards RDP FRPSL and Alan Holyoake RDP FRPSL will make the final decision. Both First and Runner Up will be awarded either the “Devonshire Bowl” or “Devonshire Plate” which will be engraved and held on display at the Royal. The Competition commences at 1pm when the doors are opened to the judges, that is the members, and the results will be announced on Competition Day at 5pm.
If you have any questions please contact the Administration Office on +44 (0)20 7486 1044 or by e-mail at