Any member, irrespective of where they live, wishing to attend these meetings should please make contact with the Society for further details. Ideally members should get in touch at least seven days beforehand to ensure that any catering arrangements can be finalised.

If you have additional regional events, please inform and he will endeavour to add the details to the list.


Date Region and Place Contact Telephone Email Address
18 July 2024 North at York Yvonne Wheatley 0113 260 1978 whyareuu @
3 August 2024 South East at Hellingly Nigel Gooch 01424 251169 nigelrngooch @
7 September 2024 Scotland at Perth Stewart Gardiner   stewart.gardiner @
30 November 2024 London & Surrey at Leatherhead Brian Sole / John Ray   brian.sole @

Informal Meetings of the RPSL and the Channel Islands Specialists' Society in Guernsey

Members of the RPSL and the CISS are always very welcome to attend meetings in Guernsey. These are held on Friday evenings between 7pm and 9pm, at the Peninsula Hotel, in the St Sampson suite. They are organised by our Channel Islands' Representative, John Triggs. He can be contacted on 01481 725847, or by email:

The dates of these meetings for the second half of 2023 are as follows:
21st July, 22nd September, 17th November.

Any member, irrespective of where they live, wishing to attend these events or meetings should please make contact with the Society for further details. Ideally members should get in touch at least seven days beforehand to ensure that any catering arrangements can be finalised.

If you have additional regional meetings or events, please inform and he will endeavour to add the details to the list.


Date(s) Region and Place Contact Telephone Email Address

14 August 2024

Reception and Dinner at GASS, USA Alex Haimann   haimanna @

16 November 2024

Netherlands, at Corinphila Veilingen, Mortelmolen 3, Amstelveen

Gerard van Welie


