
See also Guides for:

  • How to look after your Collection - A Basic Guide by David R Beech MBE FRPSL
  • Philatelic Research - A Basic Guide by David R Beech MBE FRPSL
  • RPSL Style Guide for Publications.

Stamp Perforation: the Somerset House Years - 1848 to 1880

Stamp perforation varieties have become a popular area to collect, however, copies of the 2006 book Stamp Perforation: The Somerset House Years — 1848 to 1880 are increasingly difficult to find.

The Royal Philatelic Society London, along with the authors, are delighted to provide a large section of this book as a PDF download, free to collectors, together with some additional downloads. The intention is to generate feedback from as many collectors as possible so that the authors can provide a comprehensive update in due course.

Click here to view the details and download.