This 312-page paperback (ISBN 978-1-913015-08-4)
A comprehensive and detailed account of a hitherto unacknowledged, initially clandestine wartime air route flying “The Wrong Way” around the Atlantic Ocean. Pan American Airways, with limited aircraft resources performed a huge logistical task with astonishing efficiency and resolve. The purpose of their mission was to gain access to the intelligence contained in the flow of mail and material flowing uninterrupted between the Axis powers in Europe and their Axis-leaning spheres of influence in South America. Cooperation in the setting up of a dedicated US/British censorship operation in San Juan, Puerto Rico was key to the intelligence gathering but seldom appreciated until now. That the mission succeeded is indisputable; as the official US Congress Senate Committee Report (22 June 1945) noted:
By this means, British and US Censorship were able to control all airmail between Latin America and Europe. This mail included the highly important airmail between the Argentine on the one hand and Germany and the European neutrals on the other. This was probably the most important channel in the world.
This book tells the story of the mail routes and censorship processes. It has been painstakingly researched from a combination of primary archive sources and empirical evidence from the covers themselves.
This is the first time the story has been told fully in a published book.