J. Kenneth Snelson
Ken was born in 1942 in Leicestershire, earned a “double first” in Mechanical and Electrical Sciences at Cambridge before embarking on a career in electricity supply. After emigrating to Canada in 1969 he spent 35 years in research, planning and consulting.
From the 1980s his philatelic interests focussed on international postage due mail. His 2007 book UK Taxe Marks for International Mail 1875-2000; Usage and Listing is the only thorough study of these marks. For more than 20 years he has been a frequent contributor to the Postage Due Mail Study Group Journal and has also written for other journals including The British Postmark Society Quarterly Bulletin, GB Journal, Cross Post and The London Philatelist.
Since 2006 he has been the Secretary of the Philatelic Specialists Society of Canada. He has exhibited nationally and internationally but more of his energy has gone into philatelic research and writing than exhibiting.
About 2000 he started collecting and studying the UK Returned Letter Offices. Many hours have been spent in the Post Office archives uncovering the historical background to the growing collection.
Robert B. Galland
Bob was formerly a Consultant Surgeon at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading. He trained at Manchester University, University of Louisville, Kentucky and Hammersmith Hospital, London.
He is immediate Past President of the Great Britain Philatelic Society and current President of the Postal History Society.
His main philatelic interests are Undeliverable mail, Free and Official mail and Surface Printed Postage stamps.
He has written more than 60 philatelic articles and is co-author of two philatelic books; Great Britain Surface Printed Postage Stamps 1855-1883 (2009) and Great Britain; Failed Free Handstamps of the Franking System (2014).
Exhibiting awards include Large Gold Medals at both national and international exhibitions.