Portuguese India
Postal History and the First Issues From the “natives” to 1900
By Luís and Eduardo Barreiros

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Luís and Eduardo Barreiros

ISBN 978-1-913015-18-3

Portuguese India was the only colony to be authorized in 1869 by King D. Luís to print its own stamps in the Goa Printing House. This decision was apparently taken because British India has had postage stamps since 1854, by the geographical proximity, and the relevant commercial activity between the two territories.

Because they were printed locally using rudimentary methods, they are known as “native” stamps and were put into circulation on 1 October 1871.

These stamps deserved from the beginning the interest of collectors and merchants. Its great promotion comes with the publication in 1893 of Harrison & Napier’s book edited by Stanley Gibbons.

This book that now emerges consists essentially of a first part, in which we tried to gather all the knowledge that was scattered in various sources to which other information, that the authors found throughout their research, was added. The events of Goa’s postal history - the internal mail, maritime mail, postal reforms, and postal agreements, the table of rates and the postmarks and cancellations of Goa, Damão and Diu, the mail routes to British India and from there to the East and Europe are presented in chronological order.

The second part is a collection of “native” stamps, presented in chronological order of their issues, gathered in a committed way presenting the different varieties of each issue seeking to become a source of consultation and information for collectors of this fascinating period of Portuguese India.

Luís and Eduardo Moreira Barreiros, twin brothers, were born in Cabinda, Angola in 1953 and lived in youth in the overseas colonies of Timor, Cape Verde, and Angola. Portuguese India was also visited. 
Physician doctors in Medicine by the Classic Lisbon University in 1978. Post-graduation in Endocrinology and Neuroendocrinology in 1990, teaching at the same Medical School for both undergraduate students and endocrinologists.
They began collecting stamps at the age of twelve. The first serious interest started at the age of twenty with the collection of military aerograms during the Colonial War 1961-1974. In 2005 a book was published entitled “História do Serviço Postal Militar”/”History of Portuguese Military Postal Service 1961-1974” awarded in 2006, in the USA with the Lewandowsky prize by the United Postal Stationery Society for the best book.
Along the following years, many other philatelic interests emerged such as collections of the pre-stamp period of Portugal and colonies, First World War, Portugal-UK postal relations, and Portuguese India postal history, and the first issues awarded large gold FIP medals.
The authors are the editors of the Clube Filatélico de Portugal Bulletin since 2017 and have published fifty articles in several magazines in Portugal, France, United Kingdom and USA.
Fellows of the Royal Philatelic Society London, Portuguese Philatelic Society (UK), International Society Portuguese Philately (USA), India Study Circle (UK), Military Postal History Society (USA), Association Internationale des Journalistes Philateliques AIJP (Germany) Académie Européenne de Philatélie (France).
Awarded “Order of Merit” by the Portuguese Philatelic Federation

I    Historical background
II    The postal service in Portuguese India
1    The overland routes
2    The sea route via the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean
3    The sea route via the Cape
4    Early Mail
4.1    Correio Marítimo - Decree of 20 January 1798 for Brasil and Atlantic Islands
4.2    Goa, Correio Marítimo/Maritime Mail
4.3    The Goan Post Office
4.3.1    Mail by Belgaum
4.3.2    Mail by Vingurlá/Vingorla
5    The British troops in Goa during the years of Bonaparte, 1798 – 1815
6    From Goa to Lisbon by the “Paquebots de la Méditerranée”
7    The new postal route between Lisbon and Goa by the British Steam Packets
7.1    The Postal Convention Portugal-Great Britain of 5 October 1838 and 29 January 1840
7.2    The Postal Convention Portugal-Great Britain of 1 July 1859
8    The Goa internal Post Office
8.1    The Postal Reform of 18 February 1841
8.2    The Postal Reform of 10 November 1845
8.3    The British India Postal Regulation of 1 October 1854 and its effects on Goa
8.4    The Postal Reform of 10 July 1860
8.5    Goa postmarks and cancellations in the pre-stamp period
8.6    Goa postmarks and cancellations in the adhesive period
9    Damão Post Office
9.1    The postmarks and cancellations of British Damão
9.2    The postmarks and cancellations of the Portuguese Damão
10    Diu Post Office
10.1    The postmarks and cancellations of Diu
11    The Postal Reform of 1871. The First Issues of Portuguese India
11.1    The “native” stamps
11.2    The stamp design
11.3    The dies
11.4    The papers used for the various issues
11.5    The printing method
11.6    How “native” stamps were really printed in Goa
11.7    Goa, the higher value stamps in 1871
11.8    Statistical data regarding stamps printed in the first five years
11.9    Alarm in Goa. The “native” stamps are found to have been “forged”
11.9.1    The retouching of the previous dies and the new Type III 
11.9.2    The delay in putting the Crown Type stamps into use
11.10    The home delivery service in Goa
11.11    An approach to the operation of Goa Post Offices
11.12    The new table of rates of 7 October 1879
12    Communication routes in Goa by road and river
12.1    The mail transported by steamship between Pangim and Rachol
13    The Monetary Arrangement between Goa and British India in 1880
13.1    Surcharges on “natives” and Crown Type stamps
13.2    The 1881 rates for letters and registration fee to U P U countries except British India
13.3    The 1881 Crown stamps of the new currency
13.4    The last two “native” issues printed in Goa
13.4.1    Die II issue in 1883 – 1885
13.4.2    Die I issue in 1888
13.5    The 1882 new table of rates
14    The issue of the first postal stationery cards in Goa in 1882
15    The steamship line between Goa and Bombay
16    The 1884 Postal Reform
16.1    Money orders between the Portuguese and British India Post Offices
17    The Mormugão Railway and the Travelling Post Offices
18    Don Luís embossed straight label, 1886
19    The Telegraph in Goa, Damão and Diu
20    The “natives” sold at an auction in Lisbon in 1888
21    The Post Office in Goa, Damão and Diu. An overview from 1890 to 1900
21.1    Goa Post Offices, income and buildings
21.1.1    The new Postal Regulation and rates of 1892
21.1.2    Don Carlos I issue by “Diogo Neto” of 8 April 1895
21.1.3    Don Carlos I postal stationery by “Diogo Neto” of May 1895
21.1.4    Fourth Centenary of Discovery of Maritime route to India of 1 April 1898
21.1.5    Don Carlos I issues by “Mouchon” of 21 April 1898
21.1.6    The new table of rates of 1 January 1899
21.2    Damão Post Offices: Damão-Grande and Damão-Pequeno – The chronology of this Settlement
21.3    Diu Post Office
21.4    The Telegraphic and Telephone Service in the last decade of the 19th Century
    List of Tables
    Illustration credit
III    A collection of “native” issues 1871 – 1888

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