Page 1 - Charles Shreve - William H Gross United States 1847 Issue
P. 1
United States: The 1847 Issue
Double weight
5t orange brown & lOt < 300 miles from
(Harelip variety, Charleston, SC to
Position 57L). Philadelphia, PA.
Purpose and Treatment ofthe Exhibit exhibit subscribes to the recent study
Plan o(the Exhibit
done by Wade Saadi who records 27
This exhibit is a study of the two first
major shades incorporating 100 sub- Section One: Production History
regularly issued stamps of the United A. Contract & Contemporary Die Proofs
classifications based on varying degrees
States. It looks at the production of the B. Contemporary Plate Proofs
of plate wear and printing deliveries for
184 7 stamps and their varieties C. Plate Make-Up
identification. The Calor Standards and
(including deliveries, colors and shades, D. Earliest Known Usage
Calor Nomenclature published in 1912
double transfers and the bisects). As
by Robert Ridgway (1850-1929) is the Section Two: The Five Cents
well, a detailed review is made of the
basis used for the color naming in this A. The Stamp
many domestic and international postal B. Plate varieties
and auxiliary services usages. All C. Printing Variations
elements of a traditional exhibit, from D. Deliveries & Shades
concept to demonetization, are studied.
Section Three: The Ten Cents
The Post Office Act of March 3, 1847,
A. The Stamp
Most reprints of the essays, proofs and authorized the Postmaster General
B. Plate Varieties
stamps came from the private dies of (PMG) to have postage stamps printed. C. Printing Variations
1858 and the Bureau and Engraving The New York printing firm of D. Bisects
dies made in 1875. During the 19th Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson
Section Four: The Domestic Usages
Century, both sets of dies were used to (R WH&E) was awarded the stamp
A. Domestic Mail
pull prints on numerous occasions. All contract.
B. Auxiliary Postal Services
these post-contemporary reprints are C. With Carrier Services & Local Post
beyond the scope of this exhibit. The Franklin and Washington portraits D. Route Agents
selected for the 5~ and 1 0~ vignettes E. Non-Contract Steamboats
Research were engraved by Asher B. Durand
Section Five: Used Abroad
( 1796-1886) and were used previously
The exhibitor has made use of the most A. British North America
for various banknotes in the 1830/40s.
up to date literature and consulted the B. Panama
The frames were engraved by James P.
classic works of the 19th and 20th
Major ( 1818-1900). The first printing Section Six: Foreign Mails
Centuries. 1 0~ stamps have been fully A. British North America
was completed on June 26. Four more
plated by researchers but positions are B. Western Hemisphere
printings were made during the life of
mentioned in the exhibit only where C. British Isles
the stamps (1847-1851).
they are germane to the exhibit's D. Europe via the British Isles
development. However, the 5~ has not
The stamps were printed in sheets of Section Seven: Epilogue - After
been plated because of the rapid Demonetization
200 cut into panes of 1 00 on wove rag
degradation of the plate due to the A. Last Day of Validity &
stock produced by Wilcox Ivy Mills,
corrosive properties of the inks. First Day of Demonetization.
Chester, P A. A dextrine gum was
B. Stamps Not Accepted for Payment
applied to each sheet.
Research: A Note About Calor C. Stamps Accepted for Payment
D. Used in Canada
Stamp catalogues usually list four major "e"- The letter "e" near an item in the exhibit E. Used in the Confederacy
indicates that the item has a certificate of
shade groups of the 1847 5~ stamp. The
genuineness issued by a recognized authority.