Fellowship of The Royal Philatelic Society London

Nominations for the award of Fellowship of the Royal Philatelic Society London are invited from all members. They must be received by 30th September 2025 for consideration by the Fellowship Committee, and approval by Council.
The criteria considered by the Fellowship Committee include:

  • Service to the Society through volunteering or presentation of a display or paper.
  • Noteworthy contributions to philately in general.
  • Publication of an article in The London Philatelist or other philatelic journal, or publication of philatelic books.

Nominations must be on a nomination form that can be downloaded here:
Fellowship Nomination Form as a Microsoft Word document: Click here
Fellowship Nomination Form as a PDF file: Click here

Alternatively, you can obtain a form from the administration office at 15 Abchurch Lane or by telephoning the Administration Manager.

Please give as much relevant information as possible and return completed forms to the Administration Manager at adminmanager@rpsl.org.uk or by post to Administration Manager – Fellowship, Royal Philatelic Society London, 15 Abchurch Lane, London, EC4N 7BW by 30th September 2025 at the latest.
Steven Harrison FRPSL Honorary Secretary at honsec@rpsl.org.uk


Click here to view the list of Fellows elected in 2024.

Click here to view the list of Fellows elected in 2023.

Click here to view the list of Fellows elected in 2022.

Click here to view the list of Fellows elected in 2021.

Click here to view the list of Fellows elected in 2020.

Click here to view the list of Fellows elected in 2019.

Click here to view the list of Fellows elected in 2018.