Page 148 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
P. 148


            Whitehaven.         Winchester.         Witham  in  Essex.   Worcester.          Wycombe.  West.
            Wigan.              Windham  in  Norfolk.   Wolverhalll>ton.   Worksop.
            Wight.  Isle  of    Windsor.            Wooburn.             Workington.         Yarmouth  in  Norfolk.
            Winborn.            Wingham  in  Kent.   Woodstock.          Wycombe.  High.     York.
            C*)  = from  Midsl.lllller  to Michaelmas
                A  Mail is dispatched from  London to Edinburgh,  and from  Edinburgh to  London every Day,  Wednesday and Sunday
            excepted; as also to and from Morpeth, Alnwick, Belford, and Berwick; and a Post is established Six Times a Week between
            Edinburgh and Aberdeen, Glasgow, Greenock, and the intermediate Towns.
                 Letters are sent from hence on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays for Arundel, Brighthelmstone, Petworth,
            Steyning, Shoreham, Wisbich, Grayes, Newport in Shropshire, Peterborough, Spalding, Boston, and Louth, and return hither
            on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
                 Likewise on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to the Devizes, Melksham, Trowbridge,  and
            Bradford in Wilts, and return on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
                 To Bridgenorth every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday, and from thence every Day.
                And to Somerton, Ilminster, Chard, and Axminster,  every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday,  and
            back every Day.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

            -- 7 5 0 3  NEWS  (General Post Office, September 28, 1775)

                 A Mail will be dispatched from hence on Wednesday next for New York, and also one for Charles Town, after which
            there will be no  regular  Conveyance  for  Letters  from  this  Office  to  North America,  but whenever  a  Packet  may  be
            dispatched to any Part of that Continent, proper Notice will be given.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

            -- 7 5 0 4  NEWS  (General Post Office, December 5, 1775)

                 THE Post-boy carrying the Mail between Steyning and Shoreham, on Sunday Night the 3d Instant, was attacked and
            robbed about Midnight, on the open Down, near a Farm called Geringham in the Parish of Old Shoreham, by a Footpad,
            who took from  him 3s.  and the Mail,  containing the  Bags with  the Letters from  hence  of Saturday the 2d Instant for
            Shoreham and Brighthelmstone, and the Bags with the Bye-Letters from Haslemere, Petworth, Arundel, and Steyning.
                 The Person who committed this Robbery is described to be rather tall and thin, had on a light-coloured Frock-Coat, a
            round rough Hat, and wore his own Hair, or a Wig tied behind in a Club.
                Whoever shall apprehend and convict,  or cause to be apprehended and  convicted,  the Person who committed this
            Robbery, will be intitled to a Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, over and above the Reward given by Act of Parliament for
            apprehending Highwaymen;  or if any Person,  whether an Accomplice in  the Robbery or  knowing  thereof,  shall make
            Discovery, whereby the Person who committed the same may be apprehended and brought to Justice, such Discoverer will,
            upon Conviction of the Party, be intitled to the same Reward of Two Hundred Pounds, and will also receive His Majesty's
            most gracious Pardon.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

            - 7 5 0 5  NEWS  (General Post Office, December 8, 1775)

                THE Duke of Cumberland Packet-boat being ready at Falmouth to sail with Dispatches for Virginia, and from thence
            to proceed to North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and East Florida; all Letters for any of these Provinces, which may
            come to this Office on or before Saturday the 16th Instant, will be forwarded therewith.
                                                                             ANTH. TODD, Secretary.

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