Page 168 - British Post Office Notices 1666 to 1799
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                Whoever shall apprehend and convict, or cause to be apprehended and convicted, both or either of the Persons who
            committed this Robbery, will be entitled to a Reward of TWO HUNDRED POUNDS, over and above the Reward given by Act
            of Parliament for apprehending of Highwaymen; or if any Persons, whether an Accomplice in the said Robbery or knowing
            thereof, shall make Discovery whereby both or either of the Persons who committed the same may be apprehended and
            brought to Justice, such Discoverer will, upon Conviction of both or either of the Parties, be entitled to the same Reward of
            Two HUNDRED POUNDS, and will also receive His Majesty's most Gracious Pardon.
                                                                            ANTHONY TODD, Sec.
                Watchmakers and Jewellers are desired to be cautious of whom they take Bank Notes or Bills.

            -- 8 5 0 4  0012  (General-Post-Office, 1785)

                You are hereby directed to comply with all such Orders as you may receive from Mr. Palmer, or any Persons he may
            authorise as his Agents in the Establishment of his Plan for the Conveyance of His Majesty's Mails; and you are in all Cases
            to promote the Success of it according to his Instructions,  and to render it as beneficial to the Public as may be in your
            Power, and in Consequence of Mr. Palmer's having complained that some of the Postmasters have neglected their Duty,
            and the Instructions given them by himself or Agents, it is  thought necessary to add, that if any Postmaster shall wilfully
            misconstrue or neglect these Orders sent from the Postmaster-General, such Behaviour will be properly punished by their
            Lordships. And you  are further  directed hereby to  address  all  Letters relative  to  the Establishment  and Completion of
            Mr. Palmer's Plan either to him or his Agent Mr. Bonnor, at his Office No. 87, Lombard-Street.
                To                                                   I am, Your assured Friend,
                Postmaster of                                               Anthony Todd, Sec.

           -- 8 5 0 5  NEWS  (General Post-Office, March 19, 1785)

                MR.  P  ALMER's  Plan for  conveying His Majesty's Mails, every Day in  the Week,  (Sundays  excepted) will, on EA.SIER
           MONDAY,  the 28th Instant, be extended to all Parts of the Counties of EssEX, SUFFOLK,  and NORFOLK,  the University of
           CAMBRIDGE, and the Towns of NEWMARKET and ELY.
               All Letters for the above Counties, &c. must be put into the Receiving Houses before Six,  and into the General Post-
           Office before Seven o'Clock in the Evening, and the Letters in Return will be delivered at London at the same early Hour
           every Morning, (except Sundays) as those from Bath and Bristol.
                The Dutch Mails will be sent off every Tuesday and Friday as usual, after Twelve at Night by Express.
                                                                            ANTH. TODD, Sec.

           -- 8 5 0 6  NEWS  (General Post-Office, July 16, 1785)

               MR. P  ALMER's Plan for conveying His Majesty's Mails every Day in the Week (Sundays excepted) will, on Monday the
           25th Instant, be extended to Liverpool,  Manchester, Nottingham,  and Leeds,  including Bradford, Halifax,  and Rochdale,
           and the intermediate Towns between those Places and London.
                                                                            ANTHONY TODD, Sec.

           -- 8 5 0 7  NEWS  (General Post-Office, July 22, 1785)

               MR. PALMER's Plan for conveying His Majesty's Mails every Day in the Week (Sundays excepted) will, on Monday the
           25th Instant, be extended to Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, and Leeds, including Bradford, Halifax, and Rochdale.
               All Letters for those Towns, and for the intermediate Places between them and London, viz.
                  Barnet,                  Hitchin,                  Luton,                   Newport  Pagnel,
                  Hatfield,                Biggleswade,              Bedford,                 Northampton,
                  IJelwyn,                 St.  Alban's,             Dunstable,               Harborough,
                  Stevenage,               Ampthil l,                IJooburn,                Leicester,

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