Page 101 - Paton: American Panorama
P. 101
5. 1 POST WARRECOVERV AND 7 866-7 877
PAeA. John son diAmiAAed Edwin Sta n to n , SecAetaAy ofa & him w ith Gen.
CongAeAA daw th id ad a bAeach ofa th e 'Tenure A c t ’ which
consent to the Aemovat o-fa a cabinet membeA whom i t had MC
iead the impeachment o£ the PAeAident - May 7868 Senate UeAdtct ’ Not by 1 vote.
Phei. J
S o{ hi, Stanton
1 Funk1 04 Thaddeui Steveni on Home 04 Rep WASHINGTON DC./ FREE
S o4 hi,
Gen. GAant Aan ^oa PAeAident on hiA C iv it WaA teadeAAhip Aeputation [qv 4 .7 ) though he
wad devoid o& p o litic a l Aki-U. He & SchuyieA Cot^ax to victoAy ^oa the PepubiicanA.
Ulydded Gunt
Uth Phei
Elected 3.MOD. 68
GuntjGol4ax 1868 Campaign Cove*; cdi SOUTH ANSON,ME. + 'target'
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +