Page 15 - Paton: American Panorama
P. 15

                              7 . 2    T R A N SP O R T   AN D   P O S T A L S E R V I C E S   18 4 5 - 1 8 6 0

                                              EAST  COAST  CITy  -  NEW  VOHK

              By      1850       New       Voak {Pop.  500,000)  had                                                  moae than  30            Loca£           many  w ith   th e ta
        own  matt  boxed.   The  C                          ttyPodt  D espatch  d ta h ted   by        g ,     attad  Thomad  Wtnddoa,
        tn   Febauaay  1842  wad  do  duccedd^ul  th a t  t t   wad  bought  by  New  V   podtmadtea  tn   Septembea
        &  t t   became  th e   U . S .  C t t y  Dedpatch  P od t.   Com petttton   t t   out  oJ$  budtnedd  tn   1846.

                    Folded  Letted  dateUned  New  Vodk  16th  Apdil  1845  job  local  private  delivery.
                           Blue  3c  '(IS  City  Dedpatch  Podt'  dtamp  cancelled  US  in  ded.
                                 led  handdtamp  C1TV  DESPATCH  POST/US/  APR  16.

          Thomas  Boyd  s*ta/ited  his*  to c a t  New  Vork  c a Jirie r  s*ervice  in   1844  &  by  1850  had  1300  m ait
        boxes*  vis*ited   faou/i  times*  a  day;  in tro d u ced   his*  own  s*tamps*  in   1857.   E ven tu a tty  in   1863  an
        A ct  ofi  Congres*s*  authoris*ed  fr e e   C i t y   V e tiv e r y   in   49  ta rg e   citie s*  fo r c in g   mos*t  to c a t  pos*ts*
        out  o£  exis*ten ce.   Government  t e t t e r   carriers*  th en   became  pa id  Federat  emptoyees*.

  City  Delivery
             Stadted  1863

                                            Letted  datelined  23dd  June  1859  fidom  New  Vodk  to  Budlington,  Vedmont
                                          3c  date  unded  3000  miled  (POA  1855).  S^amp  tied  by  cdd  NEW  MK/  JUN  24.
                                         Gdeen  2c  BQVD’S  ClTV  EXPRESS  dtamp  paid  $ee  fidom  mail  box  to  New  Vodk  P0.
                                           Bdanddeth  Hotel  coved  advedtided  dingle  doom  dated  §  50c  -  $1  ped  day.
                                +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +  +        +   +   +   +   +   +
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