Page 45 - Paton: American Panorama
P. 45
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2 .3 M0UMTAIM5 AND P L A IN S 1 8 4 5 -1 8 9 6
Iocoa TeAAitoAy waA cut ^Aom UliA conAinin 183 & inducted Minnesota untit i t deduced
in Aize to become the 29th State on 28.DEC.1846; Iowa C ity waA itA Ca p ita l. MiAAiAAippi &
DeA MoineA RiveAA Aan thAough thiA coAn growing State & in the 1850a the came
into the State & Aomthe E aAttAanApoAting GeAman immigAant in numbeAA.
Folded oule* cove*, c diFORT MADISON/T. AUG 21, PAID mi JO
10c mi d o u b l eute (= Cove* + page} |o* unde* 300 mile* (POA 1845)
'I V in c d i originally 71; po*| in
MinneAota TeAAitoAy waA the Southern paAt ofa Iowa TeAAitoAy but not oAganiAed
un til 1849. I t became 3 2nd State on 11.MAV.58 with S t. Paul aA itA Ca pital. MiAAiAAippi
& Red RiveAA Aun thAough the State which b u ilt pAoApeAity on agAicultuAe & afateA
1860, & lAon OAe &Aom 1890. Population gAew 6,000 in 1850 to 1,310,000 in 1890.
^ u i c a n H o u s e ,
ST- P a u l , m . t .
R I C E & , f i l k i n s ,
Territory 1849 1’ltOPttIKTOVS.
32nd Slale 1858
cdi SAINT PAUL/ M.T. MAR 2 1859; 3c unde* 3000 mile (POA 1855)
Territorial cdi uied a^ter Statehood until 8.MAR.1859.
^’ *‘ *■ + + ^ . 4 . + + + + + + + + + +