Page 78 - Paton: American Panorama
P. 78
4 . 7 C IV IL WAR IN THE E A S T 7 8 6 7 - 7 8 6 5
In 4 day-6 o f fig h t in g , ending on 5.M AV.63 CSA G en. L e e A r m y o f
(60,000 men) gained a pyAAhic v ic to r y o ver Union Gen. HookeA & th e f th e Potomac
(733,000 m en). Lodded w ere huge w ith 7 7,0 00 Union & 73,000 C o n fe d e ra te k it t e d &
wounded. UloAdt of a tt 'Sto n ew a tt' Jackdon wad k it t e d & Lee n ever abte to A eptace him.
death oi Jackion
CSA letter ^om 'Camp Near Fiedeiickibuig' 14.MV.63 - bemoani ton Jackion.
cdi RICHMOND/l/A. 20.MAV.63. Moil army matt in Virginia non went to Richmond.
In Ju n e Lee (75,000 men) in vaded th e NoAth to r e lie v e th e in th e on
UickdbuAg. Gen. Meade now commanding th e Union aAmy (88,000 men) met & d e fe a te d Lee at
GettydbuAg in a 3 day b a ttte 1 -3 .J U L .63. Combined weAe o ver 40,000 men k it t e d &
wounded. Lee A etA eated to U iA g in ia & both Aided too k up on th e Rapidan R iv e r .
General Lee
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Robert E. Lee
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CSA P0!i) letter to S. Carolina mi 'Lettei from Pei. Flag 04 Truce’.
dcdi GETTVSBURG/ PA, 2S.JliL.63. 3c iLamp itiai Union poitage; mi 'Ex' Li ceniol marking,
cdi RICHMOND/ Va., AUG 8 1863, LianiLL; "Due 10” it CSA poitage.
On£y 10 POU) coveA.4 known a* Seconded &Aom Ge&tyAbuSig H oAp-itaJi.
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