Page 9 - Paton: American Panorama
P. 9

7 .7    P O L IT IC S   AND  1 850  C O M P R O M ISE    OVER  SLA VER 'S

                               7850-7852  COMPROMISE  CONSEQUENCES          FOREIGN  VISITORS

                 C a li^ o h n ia   became  th e   31 At  S ta te   w h ite  Utah  &  New  M exico  became
                                                                                        :I3                 8   x    4 4  4
                                                                                        »        A         I  1
                                                                                        I   USA
                                                                                                           1  J
                                                                                            B IC E N T E N N IA L   E R A   1 7 7 6 -1 9 7 6   «
                Utah    Tehritohi/  9.SEP.50         CaUfotnia  State                   New Mexico         Tebritoh 13.DEC.50
           D e sp ite   th e   'F u g it iv e   S ta v e  Law'  th e                                         ' u n d e A . Q A helped.   to   eAcape.
         Among  th e   eAcapeeA  &                           ohganiAeAA                 wehe         H aAiet Tubman  &  Jo A ia h   HenAon  in   Canada  who a
         fu g it iv e   A etttem en t                    th eA e; met                                      authoh    HaAAiet B.  Stowe  &       phototype  faoh  'U n cle  Tom’ .

                                                          Jobiah                             Unde
                                                                                            Cabin  (1852)
                      Ikhriet  Tubman

           Fhedehick  OougtaAA  anotheA  eAcaped  Atave  u>o6  a                 abotition iA t  ohatoh  &  whiteA.
         In  New          Vohk Hohace                 Gheetey the                                        editoh o&  'Thibune'  &  a  poweA&ut  abotition iA t  voice,  Aaw  a
         tin k   between  Atave  -faheedom  &  LajoA                                            Koaauth’A {unAucceAA&ut)  in   HungaA-ian  uphiAing
         againAt            A uA thia. Supported  KoAAuth  touAing  the  USA  DE C. 1851- J U L . 1852  haiAing

                     Fhederick                   Horace              Lajob     Kobbuth Hungarian  Patriot  (1802-1894)

          GulAeppe  G a h ib a td i  came  to   th e   USA  b h ie ^ ty   in   Ju ly   1850  on  hiA  way  to   e x it e   in   Pehu.   He
         had  h elped   d efen d   M ontevideo,  Uhuguay  (7843-48)   &  hetuAned  to   fiig h t  fioh  -  6  in   I t a l y .


                                           Guibeppe  Garibaldi  Italian  Patriot  (1807-1882)

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